Incidentally, one Old English word for gravel wasċeosol[ˈtʃeo.sol], which comes from Proto-West-Germanic*kesul(small stone, pebble). This becamechiselandchessil(gravel or pebbles) in modern English, and is cognate withKiesel(pebble) in German,kiezel(pebble, flint, silicon) in Dutch...
to substitute a colleague/one word for another pianoter sur un ordinateur/sur un minitel to tap away on a computer/minitel quelques-unes des personnes/choses some of the people/things j'en ai mangé quelques-uns/quelques-unes I ate some dire qc d'un ton [ou sur un ton] pénétré...
Raymond Queneau (French: [ʁɛmɔ̃ kəno]; 21 February 1903 – 25 October 1976) was a French novelist, poet, critic, editor and co-founder and president of Oulipo (Ouvroir de littérature potentielle), notable for his wit and cynical humour. Birthplace: Le Havre, France Alain...
or can’t even believe were ever said sincerely. You might have said this word if you stubbed your toe, were surprised by someone or if you were just angry and needed to yell something non-vulgar.Saperlipopetteappears in an early essay of the French poet Rimbaud. ...
novicepoet III.apprenti(apprentie)[apʀɑ̃ti] apprentisorcier sorcerer'sapprentice jouerlesapprentissorciers toopenaPandora'sbox s�quentielGlossary of Refrigeration Technology courtesy of GEA Bock GmbH British English Free PONS Apps Our free PONS Online Dictionary is also available for iOS and...
Not a normal country in any sense of the word, its nuclear weapons program makes it a country whose actions could have global ramifications. This book demystifies North Korea through revealing the daily life of its citizens; the political and economic history of the nation; the reasoning behind...
I met a wonderful poet, Kate Rose and over this year we decided to collaborate to produce an anthology of 33 Sea and Estuary birds. It was a fun and educational project, involving reading field guides, watching numerous videos and learning about their habitat and hunting behaviour. I used ...
" He argues that poetry is a representation of the world around us, but that it must also be infused with the passion and emotion of the poet. Marvell's use of language is also worth noting. He is known for his mastery of the English language, and this poem is no exception. His ...
TODAY'S WORD: LES ETRENNES : New Year's gift, tip, bonus étrenner= to wear or use for the first time; to be first in the line of fire Listen to Jean-Marc read from Avec les vœux du Nouvel An arrive le moment des étrennes. Vous ne savez pas à qui donne...
French poet Victor Hugo(1802-1885)once said: "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelt out is a spark." Today, when we read books, road signs and posters, it's probably hard to imagine that only half a century ago, about 40 percent of the world's adults...