Translations forpigerin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) piger[piʒe]VBtrans View verb table 1. piger(comprendre): pigerinf tounderstand tuaspigé? didyougetit? jenepigerienàl'informatique Ihaven'tgotaclueouI'mcompletelycluelessaboutcomputinginf ...
antelope l'antilope goat la chèvre pigeon le pigeon antenna l'antenne goose l'oie (f) pike le brochet bat la chauve-souris gorilla le gorille pony le poney beak le bec grasshopper la sauterelle puppy le chiot bear l'ours (m) hamster le hamster rabbit le lapin bee l'abeille (f) har...
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Translations forpifin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) I.pif[pif]Nm 1. pif(nez): pifsl nose pifsl conkBritinf pifsl schnozzleAminf 2. pif(flair): pifsl intuition j'aieudupif Ihadahunchinf aupifmesurer
Receive myFREEbeautiful, seasonal newsletter ofinspiration, hope, resources, and fun for better living. Sign up on myContact page. The Story of Hope Hope was a baby wood pigeon born in my flower box in the summer of 2008. Her story was the inspiration for the name of this website...
Imagine the English word "coo," as in the sound a pigeon makes. Now, soften the "oo" sound slightly, moving your tongue forward a touch. Step 2: The "ssin" This part is where the French nasal sound comes in, which can be tricky for English speakers. Think of the wor...
nauseating in-between figure and instead apprehending it as an autonomous trans body, it is transformed from the incarnation of malaise to that of Pride, the unapologetic affirmation of intersectionality ‘that slices through every particular, refusing the crass pigeon-holing of bodies’ (2015, 0x0...
The place of the cartonnier of the bureau-plat is taken by an arrangement of small drawers and pigeon-holes above the level of the opened writing surface, as in the case of some similar English desks. At the other end of the scale, testifying to the amount of letter-writing customary ...
English word "pieds"(feet) occurs in sets: Fiches du livre - "Hymen" (Hilda Doolittle) Fiches du livre - "Berkshire" (H. W. Monckton) Fiches du livre - "The Old Road" (Hilaire Belloc) Fiches du livre - "Probable Sons" (Amy LeFeuvre) ...
And I was fourteen years old before I touched a piano for the first time. He is an excellent piano player. In addition, he is a good singer and a very good dancer. English word "piano"(piano) occurs in sets: Instruments de musique en anglais ...