The French word for love isamour(noun) andaimer(verb). How do you translate “love me for who I am” in French? You can say“Aime-moi pour qui je suis”if you want to say “love me for who I am” in French. How do you say “goodnight, my love” in French?
You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. For example, if you tap on the word"crois,"you'll see this: Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video w...
3. cream(for skin): cream crèmef 4. cream(soup): creamof crèmefde creamofmushroom,chicken,asparagus veloutémde 5. cream: cream(chocolate) chocolatmfourré cream(biscuit) biscuitmfourré orangecream chocolatorbiscuitfourréàl'orange 6. cream(colour): ...
Translations forparfumsin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches parfum[paʀfœ̃]Nm 1. parfum(substance): parfum perfume 2. parfum(odeur): parfum scent 3. parfumFOOD: parfum flavourBrit ...
This is often cut down to simply "cologne" in English. Cologne is the French and English name for the German city Köln. eau de toilette "toilet water" Toilet here does not refer to a commode - see toilette, below. Eau de toilette is a very weak perfume. ...
toperfume ersatzdecafé/savon coffee/soapsubstitute Translations forsavonin the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary togivesbatalking-to passerunsavonàqn ...
In French film:Décalage Horaire. After they meet repeatedly at Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris, beautician Binoche and chef Reno decide to share an airport hotel room during a layover. She's a self-dramatizing chatterbox with a fondness for make-up and perfume; he's a fussy neurot...
perfume; can be shortened as eau (water); literally "grooming water." Usually refers to a product which is less expensive, because it has less aromatic compounds, and is thus used more for everyday purposesécarté a card game; also a ballet positionéchappé dance movement foot positioné...
This is more like a liquid than a facial cream. That makes it easy to use. Water is liquid. If you want to take a liquid through security the volume must be less than 100ml. Vaporise the solvent from the liquid. What's left is the perfume component and a lump of vegetable wax. ...
aheadyperfumedriftedthroughtheair unsourireflottaitsurseslèvres asmilehoveredonhis/herlips flotterauventdrapeau,fanion: toflutterinthewind flotterauventcheveux: tostreaminthewind elleflottedanssesvêtements herclothesarehangingoffher 3. flotterFIN: ...