6. French Skills for the Real-Word Spoken French Practice 22:12 P57. 10 Ways to Improve Your French Listening 04:20 P548. ALL Phrases to Introduce Yourself like a Native French Speaker 16:04 P54. What's The Sexiest Language in the World 08:16 P550. 5 Learning Hacks to Get ...
In French, the word for "later" in the context of "see you later" is "à plus tard". So, if you want to say "see you later" in French, you would say "à plus tard". Here are a few examples of how you can use it in a sentence: ...
In U.S. slang, figurative use for "a German" dates from 1858 (comparekraut). "The effort to substituteliberty-cabbageforsauerkraut, made by professional patriots in 1918, was a complete failure." [Mencken]. Frenchchoucroute(19c.) is the German word, but via Alsatian Germansurkrutbut with...
masc. proper name, from French François, from Old French Franceis "noble, free," as a noun "a Frenchman, inhabitant of Ile-de-France; the French language," from Late Latin Franciscus, literally "Frankish;" cognate with French and frank (adj.).French...
Amateur derives from the Latin word “Amatore”, especially in the expression “Pueri amatore” (the one who loves boys). It was used in literature, especially in the crime novel, from the late 18th century until the mid-20th century. It refers to the man who likes young boys. The wor...
Here’s a word that can serve as apasse-partoutto describe a certain intangible or undefinable quality. In English we have one word for mind and a different word for spirit, but in Frenchl’espritcan take on different meanings depending on context. ...
Esprit is the root of our word spirit, but in French can also mean “wit,” so this phrase is translated literally as “wit of the staircase” and is used to mean repartee thought of too late, on the way home. The expression was coined by Denis Diderot, the French philosopher of ...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 9 Superb Owl Words 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
a philosophical movement, esp. of the 20th century, that stresses the individual's position as a self-determining agent responsible for his or her own choices. [1940–45; < GermanExistentialismus(1919)] ex`is•ten′tial•ist,adj.,n. ...
If you enjoy French Word-A-Day, pleasetake a moment to find out how you can contribute. Thank you for your support! ~~~ :: Audio File :: French pronunciation: listen to Jean-Marc pronounce today's word and quote: Tressons, tressons ces fleurs, hâtons-nous, jeune amie, Les songes...