L is for ... ANGLAISFrançais LABELl'étiquette LACEla dentelle LADDERl'échelle LADLEla louche LADYla dameLADYBUGla coccinelle LAKEle lac LAMBl'agneau LAMBEOSAURUSLambéosaure LAMPla lampeLANDla terre LANDING GEARle train d'atterrissage LARGEgrand LASTdernier LATEtard LAUGHrire LAUNDRYla lessive ...
Having developed a theory that the French have a word for everything, and that their expressions are the liveliest, I've come to discover that some idioms are much more interesting in English than in French. Here are just a few examples, you can add your own in the comments box which f...
Translations forpropriétéin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches propriété[pʀɔpʀijete]Nf 1. propriété(droit): propriété ownership,property l'abolitiondelapropriétéprivée theabolitionofprivateownership ...
Marius watched as Jondrette put a metal bar in the fire and inspected a rope ladder on the table. English word "corde"(rope) occurs in sets:Fiches du livre - "Wanda, Vol. 1 (of 3)" (Ouida)Fiches du livre - "Thomas Moore" (Stephen Gwynn)Fiches du livre - "Northwest!" (Harold ...
la citroënette(f) = made up word for "really small Citroën);le sarment(m) = twining (vine shoot);la betterave(f) = beet;Charentais= "a type of true cantaloupe from Europe (what Americans call cantaloupes are actually muskmelons.);poh-tow-zhay= pronunciation for "potager" or (...
toslidedownaladder Translations foraffalerin the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary hauldownrope,sail affaler tositdownwithaflop s'affalersurunechaise ...
The thing was that I hadn’t realized that this excursion would involve jumping out of the boat into the shallow water, several times, and then climbing a vertical ladder to get back aboard. My knee agreed to jump out of the boat with no complaint, but refused to cooperate with climbing...
Marius watched as Jondrette put a metal bar in the fire and inspected a rope ladder on the table. English word "une corde"(rope) occurs in sets:Mountains - A la montagne other words beginning with "U" unique in Englishurgent in Englishutile in Englishutiliser in EnglishA...
Translations for descente in the English»French Dictionary (Go to French»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary companion ladder descente f downhill race descente f downhill race épreuve f de descente drainpipe (for rain water) descente...
Ladder back: A chair-back in which horizontal cross-rails give a ladder effect. Lalique: A luminous, transparent glass introduced in the early 20th century by René Lalique of France. Most of his designs have a sculptural quality achieved by pressing and alternating a dull with a polished ...