The French word for fruit is “le fruit“. It’s spelled the same but the French pronunciation is very different! “Un fruit” is a masculine word in French. In the plural, the final s is silent “des fruits“. ⚠️ In French, we wouldn’t say ‘a piece of fruit’. Just “...
The French have a word for it: verjus. (grape juice)(includes recipe)Johnson, Elaine
This is the only adjective in English which agrees in gender with the person it modifies: blond is for a man and blonde for a woman. Note that these can also be nouns. bon appétit "good appetite" The closest English equivalent is "Enjoy your meal." bon mot, bons mots "good word(s)...
Another rare but interesting remnant of French influence is in the word order of expressions likesecretary generalandsurgeon general, where English has retained the noun + adjective word order typical in French, rather than the usual adjective + noun sequence used in English. French Words and Expre...
"Orange juice." "With ice?" "Yes." "Thanks for your business." Let me see ... Do you have tomato juice? says Hiroshi. freshly-squeezed juice You can't juice everyday. You have a family to support. English word "jus"(juice) occurs in sets:powtorki z materialu do dnia 25-01-20...
Translations forfruitsin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches fruit[fʀɥi]Nm 1. fruitpl: fruit fruit tuveuxunfruit? doyouwantsomefruit? jusdefruit(s) fruitjuice fruitsrouges/confits
Orange / Apple / Grapefruit / Lemon / Strawberry / Mango juice: Jus d’orange / de pomme / de pamplemousse / de citron / de fraise / de mangue Beer: Bière Coffee: Café Chocolate: Chocolat Alcohol beverages: Boissons alcoolisées
Using the Word for Drink in French: If you're in a French café, you will surely order something to drink. So, it would be helpful to know the word for a drink in French, and the verb to drink. Answer and Explanation: The word for a drink in French isun boisson.Boissonis pronounce...
The meaning of FRENCH 75 is a cocktail consisting of lemon juice, gin, angostura bitters, and sugar added to a base of chilled champagne.
TODAY'S WORD: LES ETRENNES : New Year's gift, tip, bonus étrenner= to wear or use for the first time; to be first in the line of fire Listen to Jean-Marc read from Avec les vœux du Nouvel An arrive le moment des étrennes. Vous ne savez pas à qui donne...