Manners don’t cost a thing, so there’s no excuse for not saying “please” and“thank you”. Whenever you visit a foreign country, it’s basic courtesy to know how to say a few simple words in the local language: “hello”, “goodbye”, “please”, and “thank you”. If you’...
While there’s only one word for "you" in English, formality and familiarity are of course alive and well. Par exemple… Hello sir, how are you?vsHey man, how’s it going? Bonjour Monsieur, comment allez-vous ?Salut mec, tu vas bien ?
7e, euSound a bit like the i in “sir”. Note that the letter e is very commonly silent in French, like featured in the pronunciation of the word cartes where both the final e and s are silent (the word ends on the t sound).Je veux acheter ce jeu de cartes. ...
English word "salut"(hi) occurs in sets:Social conventions - Conventions socialesCoffee break french lesson 2French Lesson EricNew Begginings 2. Hello Hello! Hello, could you tell me where a telephone box is? He always says "Hello" when I see him. Why didn't the half-cooked steak say...
Translations formonsieurin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches monsieur<plmessieurs>[məsjø,mesjø]Nm 1. monsieur(titre donné à un inconnu): Monsieur(dansunelettre) DearSir bonjour,monsieur ...
When writing a letter in French, start with a salutation or greeting.CherorChère(Dear) is a commonly used word for beginning a letter in French.Monsieur(Sir, Mr.),Madame(Ma'am, Madam, Mrs.), andMademoiselle(Miss) can all followCherorChère. ...
How do you say the French word for honey? How to say 'hello, my name is' in French? How do you say wife in French? How do you say beautiful girl French? How do you say sir in Spanish? How do you say her name is in French? How do you say mister in Spanish? How do you sa...
The word for milk in German is “Milch”. In French it is “lait”. Usually, you can’t find the same words in every language. But there is an exception for the word “OK”.It is the most frequently spoken expression in the world. “OK” was first introduced to the world in the...
and the same goes for French. Learning some everyday greetings in French will be very useful no matter which stage ofFrench learningyou are at. Below are10 different ways to say hello in Frenchthat will cover a variety of situations. So buckle up and read on to get ready for your first...
Actually, there are seven dishes and red wine in this meal, and I have to eat every dish again to show my respect for the host. I feel like I have had three Thanksgiving meals in a day. " Instructions for dining: Remember that the word "etiquette" in English is derived from French...