The French word for fruit is “le fruit“. It’s spelled the same but the French pronunciation is very different! “Un fruit” is a masculine word in French. In the plural, the final s is silent “des fruits“. ⚠️ In French, we wouldn’t say ‘a piece of fruit’. Just “...
1. Read and choose(根据短文内容,选择正确的答案填空) A French man goes to London for his holiday. He can speak a little English, but he can't speak it well.One day, he goes to a restaurant. He wants to have some eggs, but he can't remember the English word for "egg". He sees...
The French word for fish is le poisson. A related word, la pêche refers to the activity of fishing. Hence, “Je vais à la pêche” translates to I’m going fishing. The word le fruit de mer refers to seafood. Thus, “Je commande une pizza aux fruits de mer” means I’m orderi...
Three women and a goose make a market. Can you tell a duck from a goose? The female bird is called a goose and the male bird is called a gander. It's prohibited to goose in this town. Don't be such a goose. English word "l'oie (f)"(goose) occurs in sets:animals in French...
gooseorduckliverpâté Your search term in other parts of the dictionary Sovietsuprême SupremeSoviet Translations forsuprêmein the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary ...
idiom. goose bumpschampignon n.m. accelerator [in a car] (lit.: mushroom)change d’avis idiom. change one’s mindchanger de langage idiom. change one’s tune (lit.: to change language)changer de refrain idiom. give it a rest; change the tune (lit.: change the chorus)chanmé...
double take-elephant gun-employment application-fight or flight-fight-or-flight-firestorm-free association-goose pimples-gooseflesh-gut reaction-hear back-huffy-immediate action-immunodeficiency-immunogenic-impassivity-in answer to-in reply-in sympathy-intentional fallacy-kickback-knee-jerk reaction-...
Le moineau en la main vaut mieux que l’oie qui vole—A sparrow in the hand is worth a goose on the wing. Le monde paye d’ingratitude—The world pays with ingratitude. Le premier écu est plus difficile à gagner que le second million—The first five shillings are harder to win tha...
Glazed earthenware pot used to store goose meat in fat for preparing a goose confit. Prie-dieu: Literally, "prays God." A low-seated armless chair with a high back and wide top-rail on which to rest a prayer book. Used as a kneeler for prayer. Back to top Q Quimper: Tin-glazed ...
fatty liver; usually the liver of overfed goose, hence: pâté de foie gras, pâté made from goose liver. However, "foie gras" generally stands for "paté de foie gras" as it is the most common way to use it.folie à deux a simultaneous occurrence of delusions in two closely rel...