I came across this photo in my archives, which comes in the nick of time: we have several guests this month and I've been needing some kitchen inspiration. Thisverrine(from the word "verre" or "glass") looks simple: ...a layer of choppedsurimi(will replace this with real fish...),...
don't English French Dictionary - don'tin French: 1. ne pas French word "don't"(ne pas) occurs in sets: Fiches du livre - "When You Giffle" (L.J. Stecher) Fiches du livre - "Heart of Darkness" (Joseph Conrad) Fiches du livre - "For the Sake of the School" (An... ...
There are initiatives underway to teach the language in Guernsey schools and in night classes for adults. So how many of these Guernsey French words do you know (or can guess)? Improve and test your Patois wordpower by matching each of the words below to one of the multiple possible defini...
But back to another positive example. We've always called our son "Maximouse". It is a term of endearment (Max + Mousse—"mousse" being a random word choice... just something that made us smile when we said it). And wouldn't you know that "mousse" also means (in the third or f...
Le Bar à Toutous. A "dog bar" in Sarrians... really just a bowl of water that the thoughtful employees (at the tourist office, here) set out for the furry drifters. This photo comes from the archives, from the post on "Childspeak" from which today's word "dodo" and the word in...
Anne loved her donkey. 4au, eauAll these letter combine to make the sound o, like the o in “toe”. This sound can also be spelled “o” or “ô” (see below)Au parc, Anne a de l’eau. At the park, Ann has water.
un âne= donkey le maquis= scrubland, shrubland, brush débroussailler= to clear (dry grasses) une amende= ticket, fine une escapade= getaway, break, trip, escape A chaque jour suffit sa peine= Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof ...
â like “ah” but longer âne (donkey) e When placed in the middle of a syllable, sounds like ai in “fair” mer (sea) e When placed at the end of a syllable, sounds like -e- in “her” le (the) e silent at the end of a word tasse (cup) é like “ay” été...
Aï is donkey. The donkey or l'âne in French is used in lots of colorful expressions in Provence. 11. Avec quelle partie du corps actionne-t-il la grosse caisse d'une batterie? From Quiz Questions pour un champion en herbe Answer: le pied "La batterie" is a drum set in this ...
The pages are: cow, pig, horse, sheep, chicken, goat, turkey, donkey, and duck. Le CampingCamping Words in FrenchA short book about camping words in French to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to...