How do you say congratulations in French? How do you say to cry in French? How do you say yummy in French? How do you say the French word for honey? How do you say the French word for candle? What is the French word for blossom? How do you say you are so beautiful in French?
How do you say the French word for proud?Adjectives in French:The word 'proud' is an adjective. A mother and father can be proud of their son or a girl can be proud of her artwork, for example. The French word for 'proud' is an adjective that has masculine and feminine forms. The...
Translations forcongolaisin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches congolais(e)[kɔ̃gɔlɛ,ɛz]ADJ congolais(e) Congolese Congolais(e)[kɔ̃gɔlɛ,ɛz]Nm(f) Congolais(e) ...
What’s the French word for “eventually”? What’s the English translation for “la location”? Do you have all the answers? Congratulations! If not, you’ll find them below. Or by watching this video a second time! Or you can keep learning about understanding fast-spoken French with me...
Congratulations on coming first in the competition. Oh, by the way: Congratulations on your success! In spite of our congratulations, he frowned and turned away. I'd like to send a congratulations card to Madonna for the birth of her baby girl. English word "félicitations"(Congratulations) ...
Congratulations on adding yet another new word and translation to your vocabulary. Whether you’re a casual learner, or you’re reallyliving forlearning French, we hope you find our blogs helpful! Written byHolly Tarbet, freelance copywriter and editor. ...
(f)= French fry;bien sûr= of course;parre terre= on the ground;comme ça= like that;la grosse faute= big mistake;bouvier bernois=Bernese mountain dog;illico presto= right away;la maman(f) = mom;la félicitations(f) = congratulations;le potiron(m) = pumpkin;en train de tricher= ...
Congratulations! Now you know how to use qui (who) in French. Now check out our lesson covering que, which can translate to what, that and than. Word of the Day lessons Qui means “who” in French. This lesson explains all the ways you can use qui in French from very basic to more...
Translations forcomplimentsin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches compliment[kɔ̃plimɑ̃]Nm 1. compliment(éloge): compliment compliment 2. compliment(félicitations): compliment congratulations ...
You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. For example, if you tap on the word"crois,"you'll see this: Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video ...