It is important to note that, in French, the word for “my” (mon/ma) agrees in gender with the noun directly following it, regardless of the gender of the person you’re addressing. According toFrench gender rules, some words have a masculine or feminine form, such aschéri(e)(dear)....
Ganimède is the French word for Ganymede, Jupiter’s satellite, the most beautiful of mortals, Trojan prince and the ideal of male beauty, who made Zeus / Jupiter fall in love with him. Zeus/ Jupiter turned himself into an eagle and took Ganymede to Olympus to become his lover and the ...
You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or downloadthe iOS apporAndroid app. P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.) Try FluentU for FREE! 153 Most Common French Verbs for Basic Conversations | FluentU Fre...
Reculer means “to move back” or “to step back” in French, and sauter means “to jump” or “to leap”; it’s the origin of the second half of the word somersault. Fait accompli Pronunciation: \fet-ah-kohn-plee\ When it looks like Mr. Mason will lose his farming tenancy, Lad...
So, who’s making me an offer forthisathlete? Note that if another word beginning with a consonant (usually another adjective) is placed between the noun and the special form of the adjective, you don’t need to use the special form anymore. You can see this in the previous example, wh...
But let's not forget our lovely and loyal companions, dogs. A dog in French is "chien", a really useful word for dog lovers worldwide. Here is how you wouldpronounce it: 6.Sourire=Smile Now it is time to smile. Or how someone from France would say: "sourir". Smiling makes us hap...
il n'y a pasà dire, elle est belle inf you have to admit, she's beautiful il n'y a rienà dire, tout est en ordre nothing to report, everything's fine tu n'as rienà dire! (ne te plains pas) don't complain! tu n'as rienà dire! (tais-toi) don't say a word! 8. ...
Another beautiful page my love. I admire how your mind works. Suite... Visitez le forum French-English.Aidez WordReference : Posez la question dans les forums. Discussions sur 'mind' dans le forum English Only Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks...
BEAUTIFUL BEINGS BEAUTIFUL THINGS Beauty Pageant BECAUSE WE'RE FAMILY Beccy Henderson Bee Vang Beer Adriaanse BEFORE I DIE BEHIND THE RANDOM DENOMINATOR Behnd the scenes Behtash Fazlali Bei'er Bao BEING FRANK - THE CHRIS SIEVEY STORY Belfast Belgian film Belgium Bella Heath...
While French has the continuant sonorants [w] and [ɥ] in addition to [l] and [j], the former are not allowed word-finally (except for the interjection [waw] ‘wow’). Thus, all the continuant sonorants that are allowed word-finally in nouns participate in the alternation (unless ...