ENTER THE FRENCH VERB OF YOUR CHOICE TO OBTAIN THE CONJUGATION : MOST POPULAR VERBS :alleravoiracheterattendreboirebattrebalayerconnaitrecourircomprendrechoisirdevoirdormirdiredeveniretreecrireetudierfairefinir falloirfuirgrandirgrossirgagnerguerirhabiterhabillerinviterjouerjeterjoindrejouirlireleverlaverlaissermettremange...
Verbes du premier groupe* There are several thousand verbs that end in -er, the largest category of regular French verbs. To conjugate them, remove the infinitive ending and then add one of the following verb endings: je-enous-ons
For verbs which use être as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé, conjugate être in the future and add the past particle. Futur antérieur conjugation The following table summarizes the conjugations for the French past future tense and includes a reflexive verb. PARLER TO SPEAK -> WILL HA...
travailler>to work trouve>to find visiter>to visit (a place) voler>to fly, to steal *All regular-erverbs are conjugated according to the regular-erverb conjugation pattern, except for one smallirregularity in verbsthat end in-gerand-cer, known asspelling-change verbs. **Though conjugated just...
Verb conjugation:je quitte, tu quittes, il/elle quitte, nous quittons, vous quittez, ils/elles quittent; past participle: quitté Before you go, be sure to sign up to my free weekly newsletter (link in the side column, above).
travailler - to work e.g. job. This French Verbs List is provided free for all to learn from. Link your French site to ours and encourage online French verb learning. Are you looking for more explanations on French or French verb conjugation......
travailler>to work trouver>to find voler>to fly, to steal A Few Exceptions All regular -ER verbs are conjugated according to the regular -ER verb conjugation pattern, except for one smallirregularity in verbsthat end in-gerand-cer, which are known asspelling-change verbs. Examples of this ki...
FRENCH INTENSIVE ALL VOCABULARY 2024 481個詞語 wyang2028 預覽 French Intensive Quiz 5: French -er verb conjugation 133個詞語 wyang2028 預覽 fren 1103.01 oral exam final 12個詞語 freiman3 預覽 french int II test VIDEO 7個詞語 annabelprunty 預覽 environnement 6個詞語 RuoyanKaren123 預覽 8.4 Fr...
FRNCH Faire Verb (Conjugation) 6個詞語 ammonluca20 預覽 RELATIVE PRONOUNS/JUNE 2024 老師12個詞語 pacepaixpaztoallgmf 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 Je n'aime pas lire, dormir et je n'aime pas non plus les arts du langage. 選擇正確的詞語 1 Tu t'appelle comment?
Look up the French to English translation of des in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.