I was a little surprised when she gave me a French kiss on our first date. 2. verb To kiss in such a manner. I'd prefer it if people didn't French kiss in public; it's just not something other people want to see! French leave 1. An absence or departure from some place or eve...
Filler wordsare words that are used colloquially in French, akin to American English words like "uh," "like," and "really?" They do not have a definition but are used to fill in parts of conversational speech when the speaker is unsure of the next word, or in emphasis that questions,...
Dear Zoé: would you dare to come visit the zoo with me? Now, let me help you with the French R. How To Pronounce A Perfect French R All it takes is 3 simple steps: stick your whole tongue to the top of your mouth. This preparation step is critical: concentrate and really try ...
If you're interested in improving your French skills, you should try some of these cool options: Check outBabbelfor fun, interactive lessons that fit into your day easily. If you want something more in-depth, there's a greatFrench course on Udemythat covers everything from the basics to m...
Try it now Basic French: Help & Review 16 chapters | 272 lessons Ch 1. Basic French Vocabulary Ch 2. Basic French Spelling &... Ch 3. French Sentence Structure Ch 4. French Nouns & Pronouns Ch 5. Basic French Verbs Ch 6. French Verb Tenses & Conjugation Ch 7. French Adjectives...
The quirky 'to be and to have' French game could be a good place to start verb conjugation, with two of the most important verbs in the French language. For French games on specific topics, try one of the fun kid's learning activities on the French games for vocabulary practice webpage...
agreeNumber:SorPif you want to agree the past participle pronominal: boolean. Puttrueto trigger pronominal form. You can alternatively indicate the pronominal form in the verb directly:s'écrier,se rendre, etc. negativeAdverb: you can add a negative adverb (pas,plus,jamais, etc.); this is ...
- Conjugation quiz: can you select the correct verb form for the English translation? - Snap quiz: can you spot when the French and English sentences match? Try to get ten in a row! - Gapfill: can you spell out the missing word in the conjugated sentence?
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For example, take the French verbvivre(to live).Vivrein Spanish, Italian and Portuguese is: Spanish:Vivir Italian:Vivere Portuguese:Viver If you want to learn both French and Spanish, for example, you might want to consider starting French first. While French will likely be more intimidating ...