Learn about the conjugation of the French verb dormir, or ''to sleep''. See different forms of dormir, including the present, past, and future...
'I Want To Sleep' in French: In order to translate the phrase 'I want to sleep' into French, you need to know the irregular conjugation of the verb 'to want.' Note that this verb doesn't require any prepositions, so it can be directly followed by either a noun phrase or an infinit...
La conjugaison par L'OBS will help you to correctly conjugate more than 9,000 French verbs. To quickly find a verb, whatever its voice (active voice, passive vo…
How do you say to wake in French? The Verb 'to Wake' in French: The verb 'to wake' in French is a regular -er verb, conjugated like other verbs that also end in -er. For example, 'to wake' is conjugated like the verb 'to sing' (chanter). There is a difference, though, betw...
1、法语动词变位(French verb modification)直陈式现在时 present indicative变位方法.第一组动词 (通常为.): 参见 love注意一些第一组动词由于发音需要, 在变位时会有所变化.以 - outside, eter结尾的第一组动词, 如appeler, throw, 在单数所有人称, 以及复数第三人称的变位中, 词尾字母变为 "he", "tt"...
View verb table 1. tenter(essayer): tenter toattempt ilatentédes'échapper heattemptedtoescape j'aitouttentépourladissuader I'vetriedeverythingtodissuadeher tenterl'impossible toattempttheimpossible tentersachance totryone'sluck,tohaveago
View verb table 1. coucher (dormir): coucher to sleep coucherà l'hôtel to spend the night at a hotel 2. coucher inf (avoir des relations sexuelles): coucher avec qn to sleep with sb II.coucher [kuʃe] VB trans View verb table 1. coucher (mettre au lit): coucher to put...
Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
Our first French slang expression is similar to the extremely common Q&A phrase ça va, and it means the same thing: “How are you?”“Good!” This phrase uses the verb baigner (to bathe), and refers to something submerged in a liquid, as in: Ça baigne dans de l’huile (It is...
French 1 Vocabulary Quiz #5 (Verb) 8個詞語 French Sleep Words Zander Parris 10個詞語 Vocabulary Related to Ethnicity and State 20個詞語 French Examen 2 93個詞語 French Vocab Quiz 2 SMU Tirado 20個詞語 Ballet vocabulary 37個詞語 Vocabulaire de la santé et de la cuisine ...