, to (feast uponquenchrelievegorgetuck intohave dinnerhave a mealtake somethinghave something to eateat) goûter, Verb (goûte; goûtes; goûtons; goûtez; goûtent; goûtais; goûtait; goûtions; goûtiez; goûtaient; goûtai; goûtas; goûta; goûtâmes; ...
In this article, we’ll cover all the French conjugation basics you need to get started, from the ABCs of French verb conjugation to the handling of regular (ER and IR) verbs and irregular verbs. And of course, we’ll provide plenty of examples for you to practice and get the hang of...
Inviting a whole city to eat It's no accident that the English word for fancy cooking, cuisine, is the French word for kitchen. If you're eating out in France, there are a few phrases you may need before getting to the table. If you want to make a reservation, you'd say:Je voudr...
Think you’ve got it? Test yourself on regular -er verb conjugations with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise:Mes colocs Note:You must be logged into yourProgress with Lawless Frenchaccount to take this test. If you don’t have one,sign up – it’s free!
However, when the verb is reflexive, Je me lave means “I wash myself”. The me is the pronominal pronoun and indicates “to myself”. The action of “laver” is reflected back on the subject (je). French Reflexive verb conjugation The following verb is an example of a French reflexive...
Placeneandpasbefore an infinitive verbIl est nécessaire dene pas mangeravant de faire du sport. (It is necessary to not eat before doing sports.) Tu m’as dit dene pas lirece livre. (You told me not to read that book.) Ne pas ouvrirla fenêtre. ...
at, to, in, with, by bon noun, adjective, adverb good, right, well, nice, voucher See Also in English good noun, adjective, adverb bien, bon, beau, agréable, grand to preposition à, de, pour, vers, sur eat verb manger, bouffer, aller manger, croquer, prendre un repa...
(When it's hot out, we eat ice cream.) A la plage, c'est amusant de faire des châteaux de sable. (At the beach, it's fun to make sand castles.) Quand il fait chaud, il faut nager! (When it's hot out, you should go swimming! ) Winter FrenchTranslation neiger to snow le...
View verb table 1. réconforter: réconforter(consoler) tocomfort (rasséréner)réconforterqn tocheersbup 2. réconforter(revigorer): réconforter tofortify II.se réconforterVBrefl se réconforterrefl: seréconforter torestoreone'sstrength ...
A common French slang word to say food in French is “la bouffe“. Note that you may also hear it used as a verb : “bouffer” instead of the regular way of saying ‘to eat’ in French: “manger“. This lesson took 4 full workdays to write, record, edit and publish. Please ...