No. 1 French Verb Conjugation App! “This is the best app I’ve used for learning verb conjugations. I highly recommend” ~ petit jeune Also Available Spanish German Italian Everything you need to master your French verbs! Over 600 verbs ...
ENTER THE FRENCH VERB OF YOUR CHOICE TO OBTAIN THE CONJUGATION : MOST POPULAR VERBS :alleravoiracheterattendreboirebattrebalayerconnaitrecourircomprendrechoisirdevoirdormirdiredeveniretreecrireetudierfairefinir falloirfuirgrandirgrossirgagnerguerirhabiterhabillerinviterjouerjeterjoindrejouirlireleverlaverlaissermettremange...
Let’s look at examples of conjugation of regular verbs for each verb type, putting together the pronoun and its matching conjugation. I’ve gone ahead and underlined the verb endings: these are the same ending used for all regular verbs. We’ll take a look at the-erverbcacher(to hide),...
However, that’s not to say there are no challenges, and for many, one of them is mastering French verb conjugation. French verb conjugations are something you will have to tackle if you want to learn to speak the language, but as long as you approach them in the right way, there is...
French Verb Conjugations French Verb Conjugations PresentImperfectFutureConditionalSubjunctiveImperfect subj. j’arrivearrivaisarriveraiarriveraisarrivearrivasse tuarrivesarrivaisarriverasarriveraisarrivesarrivasses ilarrivearrivaitarriveraarriveraitarrivearrivât...
French Verb ConjugationsPresent Imperfect Future Conditional Subjunctive Imperfect subj. je joue jouais jouerai jouerais joue jouasse tu joues jouais joueras jouerais joues jouasses il joue jouait jouera jouerait joue jouât nous jouons jouions jouerons jouerions jouions jouassions vous jouez ...
If you’re currently learning French, you’ll be happy to know that Lingvist has a feature for practicing French verb conjugations. While building vocabulary is an important step to take when learning a new language, you also have to be aware of how to use the verbs you encounter in the ...
Verbugator’s effective 2-step approach lets you first review your chosen conjugations, then immediately move on to the targeted exercises to embed what you have just reviewed leading to a stronger grasp of each conjugation. PERFECT FOR ALL AGES & ABILITIES Verbugator lets you start at your ...
MoreCauserConjugations to Know As you expand your use of the French language, you may also have a use for some of these conjugations. It's likely that you'll only find the passé simple and imperfect subjunctive in formal writing. The other two are a bit more common. ...
« Il ou Elle ». I also love how you can learn more than present tense for the verb conjugations like present perfect, imperfect, future, past etc. Honestly I would give the app 4 and a half stars but I don’t think you can put half a star. ...