Using Infinitive Verbs in French Quiz French Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz French Verbs with 'De' Quiz Gagner: Translation & Conjugation Quiz Laver Conjugation in French | Charts & Conversation Quiz Lire in French: Definition & Conjugation Quiz Manquer: Conjugation & Translation Quiz Marcher...
French Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz French Verbs with 'De' Quiz Gagner: Translation & Conjugation Quiz Laver Conjugation in French | Charts & Conversation Quiz Previous Lesson Lire in French: Definition & Conjugation Lire in French: Definition & Conjugation Quiz Current Lesson Manquer: Conjuga...
Verb lessons and tools Conjugation lessons Conjugation tables Verb tenses, moods, and voices Verb timeline Lessons and Exercises Grammar Pronunciation Quizzes/Tests Vocabulary Listening Reading Speaking Writing Lessons by Level A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 Find your level Print*Follow*ShareWhat...
2. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt What is the verb ending for nous? e ez ons ont 3. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt What is the verb ending for je? e es ons ez 4. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt What is the verb ending for tu? es e ons ent 5. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 ...
10th- French 2 final (doesn't include questions with conjugation for être and avoir) 76個詞語 Jenna_Westermeyer 預覽 Les questions (Ask the question that corresponds to each answer. Use est-ce que/qu' and inversion for each item.) 6個詞語 sandofsand 預覽 Common French Verbs and Their Me...
Faireis anirregular -re verb. Je fais le déjeuner.– I’m making lunch. Share / Tweet / Pin Me! Listening practice Faireconjugations Quiz:Faireconjugations Fairelessons How to usefaire Causative construction Expressions withfaire Fairein action ...
French Intensive Quiz 5: French -er verb conjugation 133個詞語 wyang2028 預覽 fren 1103.01 oral exam final 12個詞語 freiman3 預覽 french int II test VIDEO 7個詞語 annabelprunty 預覽 environnement 6個詞語 RuoyanKaren123 預覽 8.4 French Revolution 10個詞語 Armyflor 預覽 Quiz 2 Vocab 76個詞語...
Learning verb conjugations is fundamental to mastering the French language. Perfect your spellings of all verb tenses, from the most commonly used to those mor…
I like that I can set my own verb and verb tense priorities. The quizzes are motivating and I can use it to find every conjugation imaginable. It’s been a second language lifesaver for me and I’ve recommended it more than once.” “I used to be so bad at conjugation French verbs...
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