No. 1 French Verb Conjugation App! “This is the best app I’ve used for learning verb conjugations. I highly recommend” ~ petit jeune Also Available Spanish German Italian Everything you need to master your French verbs! Over 600 verbs ...
You can pick the tense and the type of verbs (common, uncommon or all) and play a fun mini game by tapping on the correct conjugation. This repetitive but fun game will help you better memorize verb conjugations and be able to react and talk faster. ...
ENTER THE FRENCH VERB OF YOUR CHOICE TO OBTAIN THE CONJUGATION : MOST POPULAR VERBS :alleravoiracheterattendreboirebattrebalayerconnaitrecourircomprendrechoisirdevoirdormirdiredeveniretreecrireetudierfairefinir falloirfuirgrandirgrossirgagnerguerirhabiterhabillerinviterjouerjeterjoindrejouirlireleverlaverlaissermettremange...
View almost 700 French verbs in 17 tenses. With simple navigation and built in search, you can find the verb you need in seconds. Now with audio!! Not sure how to pronounce a verb? You can now hear how every verb is pronounced. Just tap on the button next to the conjugation. Verbs...
French -ER verb conjugation quiz for 8th grade students. Find other quizzes for World Languages and more on Quizizz for free!
You can see the full conjugation of any verb in the app by selecting that verb in the Settings screen. You can see a sample conjugation, in English, showing how each tense is used. Verbes includes a small Help file. If you'd like to see a more complete "How-To" document, go to ...
Learn More About French Verb Conjugation If you’d like to learn more about French verbs, we suggest taking a look at our guide, What’s the Deal with French Verbs?, where you’ll find helpful information about how French verbs behave and change, as well as very useful resources about -...
I like that I can set my own verb and verb tense priorities. The quizzes are motivating and I can use it to find every conjugation imaginable. It’s been a second language lifesaver for me and I’ve recommended it more than once.” “I used to be so bad at conjugation French verbs...
Verb Conjugation Tables féliciter PRONOUN TENSE VERB CONJUGATION TABLEféliciter Simple Tensesféliciter TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils Present Présent congratulatefélicitefélicitesfélicitefélicitonsfélicitezfélicitent Past Imperfect Imparfait ...
Today's free French lesson looks at verb conjugation. French verb patterns. Verbs in French have one of 3 endings, ER, IR, RE. Most common are the regular ER verbs. The pattern is used for thousands.