French verb ALLER is a top ten French verb. Learn ALL the tenses here in ONE SHOT using the colour-coded verb tables. Aller can be used as an easy way to express the future tense.
aller (en) s'améliorant/s'aggravant to be improving/getting worse la tristesse ira (en) s'atténuant the grief will diminish II.aller1 [ale] VB intr View verb table 1. aller (se porter, se dérouler, fonctionner): comment vas-tu, comment ça va? how are you? ça va (bi...
11i, yLike the ee in “see”.Il va y aller avec son ami Yves. He’s going to go there with his friend Yves. in, im, unHere is another way to spell the same vowel sound as in “ain” above.Un matin, un lapin a pris un bain ? Impossible!!
French Verb ETRE: to be - a Top Ten Verb. Fastest way to learn it. French verb ETRE means 'to be'. The fastest way to learn ALL the tenses is with our colour-coded VERB TABLE - past, present and future French Verb ALLER - to go. Learn ALL the Tenses Fast ...
View verb table 1. accompagner(se déplacer avec): accompagner(aller) toaccompany accompagner(aller) togowith accompagner(venir) toaccompany accompagner(venir) tocomewith accompagner(conduire) totake(àto) accompagnerunconvoi toaccompanyaconvoy
monter monté (E) uire verbs- uit rir vers- ert aller allé (E) entrer entré (E) sortir sorti (E) venir venu (E) devenir devenu (E) retourner retourné (E) arriver arrivé (E) rentrer rentré (E) rester resté (E) Boire bu (A) naitre né (E) partir parti (E)關於...
With the exception of the verbs aller and envoyer all French verbs whose infinitive is formed with the -er ending are conjugated regularly or with very small variations.. Sample verb porter - to wear or to carry This is the standard model. Variations: Slight variations on the standard model...
View verb table 1. screen (show on screen): screen CINE film projeter screen TV programme, film, event diffuser, transmettre 2. screen (shield): screen (conceal) person, house cacher, masquer screen (protect) protéger (from de) she wore a hat to screen her eyes from the sun el...
Être French verb conjugations, examples, translations. Conjugations in past, present, future indicative, conditional, present subjunctive, and imperative.
View verb table 1. sauter (faire un saut): sauter (gén) to jump sauter (vers le bas) to jump (down) sauter (vers le haut) to jump (up) sauter (vers l'extérieur) to jump (out) sauter (vers l'intérieur) to jump (in) sauter dans qc to jump into sth sauter par-des...