French Toast Recipes Dessert Breakfast Brunch More from: BreakfastLooking for Something Else? Healthy Highly Rated 5 Ingredients or Less Surprise Me Al's Breakfast French Toast Batter rated 4.0 of 5 stars 7 Breakfast Burger with French Toast Bun rated 5.0 of 5 stars 7 Super-Stuffed Frenc...
Maple syrup– For serving. Many French toast recipes call for granulated sugar in the egg mixture, but I find that it’s not necessary. The syrup on top adds plenty of sweetness, perfectly accenting the slightly savory French toast.
Browse our indulgent collection of French toast recipes, including a traditional cinnamon version by Shaun Hill and a spicy version by Peter Gordon.
Easy cooking guides to learn how to make the best french toast. Recipes for families and friends, easy guides, instructions, and videos to make french toast at home.
More French Toast Recipes Hong Kong French ToastPHOTO: RACHEL VANNI; FOOD STYLING: FRANCESCA ZANI Babka French ToastPHOTO: RACHEL VANNI; FOOD STYLING BARRETT WASHBURNE Blueberry-Lemon Ricotta Stuffed French ToastPHOTO: ERIK BERNSTEIN; FOOD STYLING: MAKINZE GORE Made This? Let us know how it went...
【French Toast Recipe (Japanese-inspired)日本风味法式土司】1.碗中打一个鸡蛋,搅匀,加入糖,彻底溶解;2.加入牛奶和香草精,搅匀;3.将法棍放在小盘中,倒上蛋奶液,翻面,确保两面都浸满了蛋奶液,泡3~5分钟;4.视频里用的是这种黑糖浆,据说味道很好而且很有营养哟(
食谱分享|超简单的法式吐司French Toast 周围面包店都没有卖的,只好自己动手 0️⃣准备材料:吐司面包(我用的布里欧修,换成任何一种你喜欢的吐司都行,建议切片宽度在1cm以上,如果是隔夜略干的那种就更好了),鸡蛋(吐司数量×½个),糖(鸡蛋数量×1茶匙),牛奶(同鸡蛋体积,也可以换成奶油),香草荚肉桂粉等...
Our favourite French toast recipes including classic French toast, breakfast bakes and the ever popular Strawberry Croissant French Toast!
【法式吐司-French toast】1.准备好切片吐司,我选用的是原麦山丘的牛奶厚切吐司,这种吐司很后口感很好,并且牛奶的香气很足适合作为法式吐司的原料;2.鸡蛋2个打散,加入牛奶、糖(可多放,味道更香甜)、盐(少许、更提味),搅拌均匀后,将吐司片浸入;3.吐司双面吸饱蛋