This Easy French toast is a breakfast or brunch classic served with a mountain of fresh strawberries and a healthy drizzle of maple syrup.
食谱分享|超简单的法式吐司French Toast 周围面包店都没有卖的,只好自己动手 0️⃣准备材料:吐司面包(我用的布里欧修,换成任何一种你喜欢的吐司都行,建议切片宽度在1cm以上,如果是隔夜略干的那种就更好了),鸡蛋(吐司数量×½个),糖(鸡蛋数量×1茶匙),牛奶(同鸡蛋体积,也可以换成奶油),香草荚肉桂粉等香料...
Wake up for Robert Irvine's classic French Toast recipe from Food Network, a sweet start to the day made extra special with challah and spices.
【French Toast 法式吐司】1.面包对半切,鸡蛋、牛奶和细砂糖搅拌均匀后倒入一个平盘;2.将面包浸入蛋奶液中,用手轻轻按压让面包充分吸收蛋奶液;3.不粘锅热锅,放入小块黄油,中火加热融化黄油后放入面包。煎至一面金黄后翻面,两面金黄后就可以盛出啦;4.加一些时令水果
More Breakfast Recipes to Try If you love this easy French toast recipe, try one of these breakfast dishes next: French Toast Casserole Homemade Waffles Cinnamon Rolls Banana Pancakes Baked Oatmeal Or any of these51 Best Brunch Recipes!
Easy cooking guides to learn how to make the best french toast. Recipes for families and friends, easy guides, instructions, and videos to make french toast at home.
French Toast 法式吐司 美好的早餐、下午茶的做法,French Toast 法式吐司 美好的早餐、下午茶怎么做请看步骤:1.准备材料2.鸡蛋打散,加一小杯牛奶、一点糖和盐(融化的黄油选择性加,不加也可)...
French toast的做法步骤 步骤1 做蛋液:鸡蛋打散,加入白砂糖和牛奶,搅拌均匀 步骤2 浸润吐司:吐司面包充分浸入蛋液,吸饱饱~(不喜欢吃边边的可以切掉,我无所谓所以不切) 步骤3 煎吐司:平底锅热加黄油,放入吐司煎熟蛋液的程度就可以出锅。 步骤4 摆盘:吐司放进盘子里,把酸奶浇上去,最后放自己喜欢...
French Toast is quick to make and a great way to use up leftover bread. It's a real treat that everyone in your family will LOVE.
French toast的做法步骤 步骤1 Whisk together the eggs, milk, cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Lay the brioche slices in a single layer in a shallow dish and pour the egg mixture over them. Allow to soak for 2-3 mins, then carefully turn over and soak for 2 mins more. 步骤2 Heat ...