一款超经典好吃的法式烤吐司分享给大家,特别选择Perma家的法棍来提升口感,不仅软而且超有嚼劲 ! 苹果和肉桂是最完美的搭配,烤制的过程闻到到充满食欲的香味,法棍金黄焦脆,让人立刻感受到治愈~健康和美味的搭配,做为早餐或是下午茶都不会出错哦! 文字版教程已经放在评论区啦,如果想学到更多健康食谱,别忘了关注、点...
然后揭开盖子,再烤 15 至 20 分钟,直到烤成金黄色。7. 彻底烤熟后,将其从烤箱中取出,放凉几分钟。然后切片,蘸糖粉和枫糖浆食用。*没时间可以不过夜,牛奶液浸透吐司就可以烤了。 用料 黄油 French Toast Casserole/烤法式吐司的做法 上传你做的French Toast Casserole/烤法式吐司 ...
【西多士烤锅 Baked French Toast Casserole】1.【西多士】;2.用少许黄油将烤盘壁和底下都涂抹一遍;3.吐司片放入烤盘,叠两层;4.将鸡蛋、鲜奶油、牛奶、香草精、肉桂粉、肉豆蔻粉、盐都倒入另一个大盆中,打匀;5.将混合液倒入烤盘,保证每一片吐司都吸收到液体,上层吐
Ted:Yes, honey. What about French toast casserole? It tastes good for breakfast, just like French toast. And it's easy to make, too! 泰德:是呀,法式吐司砂锅好吗?早饭吃这个很香的,就像吃法式煎吐司的味道。而且也很容易做! Sara:But we lack some basic ingredients, such as eggs. 萨拉:但是,...
Our tried-and-true favorite French toast recipe is anything but soggy, and has all the tips you need from choosing the perfect bread to making the best batter.
MAPLE & PECAN FRENCH TOAST CASSEROLE (BAKE): MAPLE & PECAN FRENCH TOAST CASSEROLE (BAKE) FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6-aoDG0ePzoI_8M... Twitter: https://twitter.com/FactoryTreat Instagram: https://instag
Cinnamon Roll French Toast Casserole takes cinnamon rolls to a whole new level. This recipe is so easy. Start with a tube of ready-made cinnamon rolls and add a few kitchen staples.The result, a delicious casserole that is perfect for breakfast, brunch,
Remove plastic wrap and bake for about 50 minutes until golden brown.Adapted from: Tasty!Do you have a favorite breakfast casserole?5 from 2 votes Bananas Foster French Toast Casserole By: Jen Lunsford If you are looking for an amazing overnight breakfast casserole, look no further than this ...
Bake uncovered until browned but the inside is soft, yet set (about 40 minutes). Cool slightly. Sprinkle powdered sugar all over the top of the casserole and serve with maple syrup. If you liked this Overnight French Toast Casserole recipe, you will also love these easy recipes: ...
Maple French Toast Casserole 枫糖面包布丁的做法 把面包切成小丁,奶油奶酪也切成小丁 铺一层面包丁在烤盘里,然后在上面铺奶油奶酪丁,想吃多少放多少,然后再铺一层面包丁。 把鸡蛋打散,然后加入牛奶和枫糖等液体,搅拌均匀。 把搅拌好的鸡蛋液倒入面包丁上,缓慢倒入,把每个角落都淋上。