And at uni one linguistics essay was marked down for spelling, a Distinction instead of a High Distinction plus, and i was annoyed ... and that was it. Years later, two of my teachers made told anecdotes about how hard my writing had been for them. But they never penalised me, ...
My confusion lingered until this week, when I stumbled uponla Pompe à l’Huilewhile researching the thirteen desserts of Noël. That’s when I came across the spelling of a word I had heard so often in church—la Cène. Suddenly, everything clicked: it was the Last Supper of Christ a...
• Based on a spelling activity from the Montessori method, using a Movable Alphabet to spell words of increasing difficulty by associating the phonetic sounds of letters with their written symbol • 21 fun and interactive visual effects to play with when a word has been completed!
Never miss a word of photo:get French Word-A-Day delivered by email, here. Pictured: our daughter, Jackie, at theécurie, where today's story takes place...By the way, is anybody else as terrified by horses as I am? zone de confort (zown deuh kohn fohr) : comfort zone . Audio ...
Cette année, la dinde et les marrons c'estpour bibi. A moi la lourde tâche de recevoir dans la joie, la bonne humeur - et la déco adéquate bien-sûr.This year, the turkey and the chestnuts are foryours truly. Up to me the heavy chore of receiving in joy, in good humor -...
• Based on a spelling activity from the Montessori method, using a Movable Alphabet to spell words of increasing difficulty by associating the phonetic sounds of letters with their written symbol • 21 fun and interactive visual effects to play with when a word has been completed!