In this lesson, we will learn about the French Revolution, a movement by the French people to create a much fairer political and economic system in their country. Unfortunately, it quickly spiraled out of control into a time known as The Terror!
FRENCHREVOLUTIONTIMELINE 1789 May5:MeetingoftheEstates-General June17:NationalAssemblydeclared June20:TennisCourtOath July14:StormingoftheBastille August4:Surrenderoffeudalrights August27:DeclarationoftheRightsofMan October5-6:OutbreakoftheParismob;Liberalmonarchicalconstitution 1790 July14:Constitutionacceptedby...
French Revolution Key Facts French Revolution Timeline Causes and Effects of the French Revolution Quizzes France: A History Quiz Exploring French History Plots and Revolutions Quiz Related Questions What was the French Revolution? Why did the French Revolution happen?
答案 Louis was put on trial for treason in Jan 1793 after he attempted to flee the country. He was beheaded publicly by the guillotine. 返回 拼寫 進度 0% 這一輪 0/4 選項 點擊這裡以開始播放語音
J. Llewellyn and S. Thompson, “French Revolution timeline to 1788”, Alpha History, accessed [today’s date],
J. Llewellyn and S. Thompson, “French Revolution timeline 1792-95”, Alpha History, accessed [today’s date],
New England Revolution new esports arena new facility new Feyenoord Stadium new football stadia new football stadium new format new ground new headline sponsor new headquarters new hires new home New idea for Rotterdams De Kuip New images new innovation center New Jersey New Jersey Devils New Launch...
Finally, have the groups hang their sheets in order in the classroom to create a comprehensive timeline of the French and Indian War. Forts of the French and Indian War Activity The French and Indian War took place largely in North America as the French and British fought to gain control of...
Check this event in the timeline of the French Revolutionary Wars. Image Above La Marseillaise, Lithograph Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée / Iconothèque MNATPLa Marseillaise is the French national anthem, composed in just one night during the French Revolution, on Apr...
It’s crucial with french bulldogs to try to maintain proper activity. Dogs will be dogs. But maintaining what you CAN control is important. Limit the use of stairs, we only allow our frenchies to go up small steps, such as the ones on your front patio leading to your house. ...