If a high-port relay is already behind a packet filter that blocks TCP 139 but allows >1024, not only is the firewall bypassed but the resulting server connection may look like a completely normal one from a trusted inside host. Some Linux distributions anticipate being used as Samba servers...
The Cthulhu Hack The Expanse RPG (AGE System) The Fade Tabletop 2e Sheet The Fantasy Trip The God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) The Laundry The Mutant Epoch The One Ring Second Edition (Basic) The One Ring The Sprawl (Darkening Alley, Touched Prime) The Sprawl The Strange The Troubleshooters The...
Black Hack Black Void by Penny for a Tale Black-Seven Black_Crusade Blades in the Dark Blades-in-the-Dark Blightburg Blue Planet V2 Blue Rose Bluebeard's Bride Breakfast Cult Brigandyne Brindlewood Bay Bubblegumshoe Bulletproof Blues Buried Secrets Buried Treasures Burn Bryte by Rol...
The solution was then filtered with a filter paper and concentrated using a Rotavapor. The dry weight of the sample (M2) allowed us to determine the extractive yield (YieldE) as YieldE = M2*100/M0', (A3) Three replicates were performed per individual and we used the mean value (See ...