Nager is the French verb meaning to swim When looking at how to conjugatenager, there are a few tenses to consider. The most straightforwardnagerconjugation is the present tense. This tense is equivalent to both the English ''I swim'' and ''I am swimming'' with no distinction made in Fr...
The present tense conjugation of dormir is: je dors tu dors il dort nous dormons vous dormez ils dorment The verb is somewhat irregular compared to other -ir verbs. What does dormir mean and when is it used? Dormir means ''to sleep'' in French. It is used in the same con...
These French language resources will help you avoid common grammar mistakes, learn basic rules, practice conjugation, and polish your grammar.
Words that begin with a vowel sound or “h” have their article changed tol’. Conjugation There are three types of French verb endings:-er,-irand-re. When conjugating in thepresent tense: Take theinfinitive form, remove the verb ending to get the stem and add the corresponding conjugation...
VERB CONJUGATION TABLE contrecarrer Simple Tenses contrecarrer TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils PresentPrésentcounteract contrecarre contrecarres contrecarre contrecarrons contrecarrez contrecarrent Past ImperfectImparfaitcounteracted contrecarrais contrecarrais contrecarrait contrecarrions contrecarriez ...
Present tense conjugation for the verbremercier(“to thank”) Example: Nous vous remercions d’avoir assisté à notre mariage– Thank you for coming to our wedding (literally: We thank you for attending our wedding) The best app to learn a language after Duolingo. Get started today!
www.200words-a-day.comVERB CONJUGATION TABLEfaire Simple Tensesfaire TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils Present Présent do / does / makefaisfaisfaitfaisonsfaitesfont Past Imperfect Imparfait did / madefaisaisfaisaisfaisaitfaisionsfaisiezfaisaient ...
TENSE VERB CONJUGATION TABLEféliciter Simple Tensesféliciter TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils Present Présent congratulatefélicitefélicitesfélicitefélicitonsfélicitezfélicitent Past Imperfect Imparfait congratulatedfélicitaisfélicitaisfélicitaitfélicitionsfélicitiezfélicitaient ...
Posséderin the Compound Past Tense For the past tense, thepassé composéis a popular alternative to the imperfect. It's a compound, so you will need an auxiliary verb as well as thepast participlepossédé. The only conjugation you need to worry about isavoirin the present tense. You'll...
Very soon you’ll discover that whereas in English verb forms don’t change much for person, in French every form of the verb changes, depending on the person, and tense and “mood”. We call these verb changes, the different conjugation forms of verbs. It’s very difficult to remember ...