The possessive adjectives for"our","their", group"your"and formal"your"are the same regardless of the gender of the noun. So that makes things a little simpler, right? Here's a full table so you can wrap your head around it:
欢迎收听英语 法语一起学 从A1(入门级)到B2(中高级)的英语类最新章节声音“158.059.French Possessive Adjectives”。
The feminine possessive adjectivesma(my),ta(your) andsa(his/her) are special in the sense that they cannot be used in front of a noun that starts with a vowel. This is similar to the wayleorla(the) must becomel’in front of a vowel. The feminine possessive adjectivestake the form of...
My m/s 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Mon 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 16 建立者 sophiasampey 10個月前建立 分享 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Expressions avec 'faire' en français 25個詞語 French 3_Past Participles 19個詞語 Intermediate French- Exam 2 ...
French Lesson 18 - Possessive adjectives 07:02 21 French Lesson 19 - AIMER (TO LOVE) 02:18 22 French Lesson 20 - FAIRE (TO DO) Verb Conjugation Present tense 02:18 23 FRENCH QUIZ 21 - TEST French ANIMALS Vocabulary 06:21 24 FRENCH QUIZ 22 - TEST French 06:25 25 FRE...
Practise your French Possessive Adjectives - Mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur 15:23 Practise your French Relative Pronouns Qui vs Que 12:00 Practise your French Comparatives -Plus que, moins que, aussi que 12:01 Practise your French Prepositions Part 1 -à, en, au, aux, chez 10:57 ...
French Possessive Adjectives as Dative CliticsTremblay, Mireille
Learn how to use Mon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your; his / her in French (French possessive adjectives) and get fluent faster with Progress with Lawless French. Access a personalised study list, thousands of test questions, grammar le...
The objective of this assessment is to find out how well you understand and can use French possessive adjectives. Print off a copy of the...
Learn possessive adjectives in French and how to use them by example with this guide.