【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】复合过去式VS未完成Passé Composé vs Plus-Que-Parfait - ultimate guide 10:32 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语和法国你究竟了解多少How well do you know France and the French _ 12:16 法语零基础如何学到B2高级! 直达法语B2 1:19:12 【拓荒野女孩】勇闯无人区!女扮...
This lesson will introduce you to the conjugation and uses of the plus-que-parfait. You will learn when to use the plus-que-parfait, as well as the different types of conjugations. The Use ofPlus-Que-Parfait Two couples are having Sunday lunch together in a restaurant and talk about their...
Plus-que-Parfait had done / madeavais faitavais faitavait faitavions faitaviez faitavaient fait Future Perfect Futur Antérieur will have done/madeaurai faitauras faitaura faitaurons faitaurez faitauront fait Conditional Perfect Conditionnel Passé ...
plus-que-parfait pluperfect Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View selected vocabulary I.alors [alɔʀ] ADV Send us feedback Links to further information 1. alors (à ce moment-là): alors (dans le passé ou dans le futur) then Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View...
plus-que-parfait de l’indicatif j’avais félicité tu avais félicité il, elle, on avait félicité nous avions félicité vous aviez félicité ils, elles avaient félicité Future PerfectorFuture AnteriorTense conjugations offéliciter, the French for congratulate ...
Plus-que-Parfait had goneétais allé(e)étais allé(e)était allé(e)étions allé(e)sétiez allé(e)sétaient allé(e)s Future Perfect Futur Antérieur will have goneserai allé(e)seras allé(e)sera allé(e)serons allé(e)sserez allé(e)sseront allé(e)s ...
Plus-que-Parfait had internedavais internéavais internéavait internéavions internéaviez internéavaient interné Future Perfect Futur Antérieur will haveaurai internéauras internéaura internéaurons internéaurez internéauront interné Conditional Perfect ...
In this course you will learn how to use the 3 main past tenses in French: the imperfect, the passé-composé and the plus-que-parfait. You will be able to evoke memories, speak about work experiences and understand news stories, or just express past events accurately. ...
The Frenchpassé antérieur("anterior past") is theliteraryand historical equivalent of thepast perfect(in French, theplus-que-parfait). It is used in literature, journalism, and historical accounts, for narration, and to indicate an action in the past that occurred before another action in the...
If you are already an advanced learner, you’ll acquire more complex vocabulary and grammar (ever heard of theplus-que-parfait?), while working on your pronunciation to sound as accurate and native-like as possible. Regardless of your aim when learning the language, our online courses will he...