In writing, Dorette’s plat du jour is strong female characters woven from her thirty years in the world of cuisine. and her personal journey through landscapes of culinary history. Dorette also leads tours to France for adults looking for truffles in all the right places and for teens interes...
the fashion for long hair/mini-skirts la mode est aux cheveux courts short hair is in fashion c'était une mode it was fashionable mode masculine/féminine men's/women's fashion coupe/coloris mode fashionable cut/colour à la mode (qui fait la mode) vêtement, style: fashionable, ...
passez le plat au four put the dish in the oven Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View selected vocabulary passer la pointe d'une aiguilleà la flamme to hold the point of a needle over a flame Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View selected vocabulary passer le plancher...
the fashion for long hair/mini-skirts la mode est aux cheveux courts short hair is in fashion c'était une mode it was fashionable mode masculine/féminine men's/women's fashion coupe/coloris mode fashionable cut/colour à la mode (qui fait la mode) vêtement, style: fashionable, ...