The future tense in French! 48:55 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语中常用的文本和聊天缩写!French Texting & Chat Abbreviations 05:49 【YouTube搬运】法国人的笑点有哪些?Qu'est-ce qui fait rire les Français 14:40 【YouTube搬运】法语播客闲聊Tu ou Vous 14:39 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】...
42 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】法语播客畅聊巴黎奥运会-La France est-elle une grande Nation du Sport 18:19 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】法语将来时The Future Tense in French_ futur proche or futur simple_ 13:50 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】为什么住在布鲁塞尔Why Do You Live in Brussels 10:09 【...
The Future: Past or Future Tense? Description of the Evolution of Simple Future Uses in Spoken French: Alternating between Simple Future and Periphrastic Future. Speakers find it trendier and trendier to abandon the future tense for the benefit of periphrastic future in s...
The French future tense (futur simple) is formed by adding the future ending (-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont) to the future stem. For example, je parlerai (I will speak). Another future tense called the futur proche is formed by combining the present tense of aller (to go) ...
tense is the simplest and most common French tense, but there are several others that learners should be familiar with. There are two past tenses in French: theimparfaitand thepassé composé, the latter of which has an irregular conjugation. French also has a future tense called thefutur ...
These two expressions are slightly different grammatically (one usesthe French present tenseand the other usesthe French future tense), but they essentially mean the same thing. You can use them interchangeably to express your endless love.
In English, the future is formed with the modal "will" plus a verb, while French has a future tense with a full set of conjugations for every verb.
Le futur antérieur corresponds to the English future perfect tense. We use the futur antérieur to talk about a future action that will have happened by a certain time in the future. This tense also expresses predictions or suppositions about what may have happened in the past. We form the...
There are many different ways to express the future tense in French. In this lesson, we look at four of them, seeing how each version plays a...
FR: she was bound to arrive - future in the past- grammaire FR: subjonctif présent ou futur / subjunctive in the future tense- grammaire FR: We might meet sometime in the future- grammaire FR: Whatever we do in the future, we must thank our teacher- grammaire ...