The numbers 60-79 are often a big challenge for most French learners. This is where my key tip (see below) come into play. To count from 60-69, simply saysoixante, then follow the same pattern as the numbers in the previous section covering 20-59. Numbers 60-69 60 – soixante 61 ...
Improve your pronunciation of all French numbers All numbers in this guide have individual pro quality audio recordings done by a Native French, not computer generated, so you get the exact real-world pronunciation. Includes tools to help you practice Once you have learned how to build the numbe...
So let's start off gently. Even if you've only been studying French half-heartedly until now, you've probably stumbled across a few of the numbers from zero to ten, so these fellas shouldn't come as too much of a shock. (Make sure you listen to the audio. Often the pronunciation ...
french numbers1 = un 2 = deux 3 = trois 4 = quatre 5 = cinq 6 = six 7 = sept 8 = huit 9 = neuf 10 = dix 11 = onze 12 = douze 13 = treize 14 = quatorze 15 = quinze 16 = seize 17 = dix-sept (ten+seven) 18 = dix-huit (ten+eight) 19 = dix-neuf (ten+nine) 20...
other countries all over the world.With French, it isn't just about being good at the lan-guage. In order to deal with these higher numbers, it seems you need to be good at maths, too. Take 77 for example. In French, it's soixante-dix-sept, which means "sixty and ten and seven...
Discover what the French ordinal numbers are and how to use them! Includes audio pronunciation recorded by a native speaker.
The French numbers 60 to 69 follow the same rules as 20 to 59. 60soixante 61soixante et un 62soixante-deux 63soixante-trois 64soixante-quatre 65soixante-cinq 66soixante-six 67soixante-sept 68soixante-huit 69soixante-neuf But then when 70 rolls around, instead of a new "tens" word,soixante...
NUMBERS les nombres # NUMBER SIGN un dièse (Fr), un carré (Can) 1, 3, 5, 7... ODD impair/impaire ONE un ( ) PARENTHESES les parenthèses plus - PLUS SIGN le signe plus 1/4 QUARTER le quart SECOND deuxième SEVEN sept17 You can find the Count to 1 Billion PDF here: 2022-12-13 21:45:58 Bonjour Anuska, Merci pour ton commentaire, ravie que ça te plaise ! 😄 ...