When you are counting from 10 to 19 in French, you can now see two types of numbers:independentandcomposednumbers. As you might have noticed, from 17 to 19 (dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf) we have the first glance of composed numbers. When to use the Hyphens in French Numbers Are you...
Most students “calculate” their numbers in French: they think “twenty” and “five” to make “twenty-five”. But that is not how a French native would think. A native is so accustomed to numbers that “twenty-five” is one piece of information and one sound. Learn your French number...
battle of Soissons-Reims,battle of the Aisne,battle of the Chemin-des-Dames,Soissons- a battle in World War I (May 1918); the Germans tried to attack before the American numbers were too great to defeat; the tactical success of the Germans proved to be a strategic failure ...
quatre-vingts-dix NOTHINGrien NUMBERSles nombres #NUMBER SIGNun dièse (Fr),un carré (Can) 1, 3, 5, 7...ODDimpair/impaire ONEun ( )PARENTHESESles parenthèses +PLUSplus -PLUS SIGNle signe plus 1/4QUARTERle quart SECONDdeuxième SEVENsept 17SEVENTEENdix-sept 70SEVENTYsoixante-dix SIXsix ...
Otherwise, ordinal numbers follow the same pattern: they are formed by adding the suffix -ième to a number. One other exception is that there are two ways to say 2nd in French. Typically, people will use deuxième. However, deuxième is only used when there is the potential for a ...
remember what your drawing meant, and it’s much more efficient to learn French this way. This is a critical point so I’ll take another example. When learning French numbers, many students “build” them. They do maths. When they want to say ‘ninety-nine’ in French they think about...
In this helpful guide, I'll teach you how to count from zero up to and over a trillion in French. I'll also cover the French ordinal numbers too.
assigned alphabetically back in the 1800s, though there have been a number of small changes to the list over the years, so the organization is not as strict as it once was. The other three numbers in the code indicate what post office will actually handle the job of dropping the letter ...
Animaux et nombres/Animals and NumbersA Printable Bilingual BookA short, printable book about animals and the numbers from one to eleven. The book has pages for the student to read (in French and English) and sentences in write in French. For example, "Je vois huit chiens. (I see eight ...
It’s one of Europe’s e-commerce heavyweights – sitting behind only Germany and the UK in terms of numbers of users1. In fact, in 2022, more than 8 out of 10 French internet users bought something online2. Interested yet? All you need is an international shipping partner and some ...