TennisCourtOath –Whathasitbeeninthepoliticalorderuptonow?•NOTHING –Whatisitaskingfor?Tobecome •SOMETHING”TheImportanceoftheNationalAssembly •TheywereinstrumentalindraftingthefirstConstitutionofFranceandformingaconstitutional(limited)monarchy –Thiswouldnothappenimmediately–someothereventsfirstneedtotranspire ...
法国大革命之国民大会(FrenchRevolutionNationalAssembly).ppt,The French Revolution The National Assembly Financial Crisis Louis XIV getting his comeuppance Years of deficit spending finally caught up to the monarchy? Wars (Seven Years’ and American Revolu
FrenchRevolution Bastille,TheGreatFear,DeclarationoftheRightsofMenand“EatingCake”July1788 •TheNationalAssemblywasmeetinginVersailleswiththeKing•WhatisapossibledangeroftheKingliving12milesoutsideofParis?•RumorswerecirculatingaroundParisthattheKingwasgoingtosendtroopstooccupythecapital TheBastille •The...
FrenchRevolution Bastille,TheGreatFear,DeclarationoftheRightsofMenand“EatingCake” July1788 TheNationalAssemblywasmeetinginVersailleswiththeKing WhatisapossibledangeroftheKingliving12milesoutsideofParis? RumorswerecirculatingaroundParisthattheKingwasgoingtosendtroopstooccupythecapital TheBastille TheBastillewasanold...
French Revolution- the revolution in France against the Bourbons; 1789-1799 France,French Republic- a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
In French,Assemblée Nationale Constituante) The National Constituent Assembly was the governing assembly of France in the first two years of the revolution. It was formed from the National Assembly on July 9th 1789 and dissolved on September 30th 1791, to be replaced by the Legislative Assembly...
FEMALE STUDENT: And since I'm gonna look at newspapers from two cities, I could read the editorials, the opinion pieces, to find out what each community thought about the National Assembly. MALE PROFESSOR: OK, but…y'know, I once attended a history conference where a professor presented a...
included those of Rouen — and of the legislators who drafted and ratified it. The Declaration may also be related to more general considerations regarding the influence of the thought of the Enlightenment and the possibly universalist aspirations of the National Assembly. What wider relevance had ...
Introduction: The French Revolution and Gender Politics — Creating a World of DifferenceThe 'ladies' who presented this petition to the National Assembly in late 1789 called on the male legislators to end privileges based on sex, consistent with their abolition of other forms of discrimination. ...
What did the French National Assembly decide in 1789? What French colony used the French Revolution as inspiration to gain its own independence? What was the Confederation of the Rhine? What is the Louisiana Territory? What was the Pennsylvania colony's population?