Look up the French to English translation of MUR in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.
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Refrigerator Freezer FRENCH DOOR REFRIGERATOR SERIES USER MANUAL MRF29D6AST Download the app & activate product Warning notices: Before using this product, please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference. The design and specifications are su...
拉丁文murus产生古法文murs, 而muri、murum、muro则合并为mur。就复数形态而言, muri成为mur, 而muros、muris则合并为murs。主格单数与斜格复数及主格复数与斜格单数是由定冠词或某些类似的修饰语(指示词或所有格形容词) 来区分的。结果, li murs意思是"墙"(主词);le mur"墙"(动词或介词的受词); li mur"...
Mur Mur Architects fills Paris coffee shop with silo-style steel seating Chunky grainsilosinformed the shape of the enveloping alcoves at Simple Coffee, an all-stainless-steelPariscafe designed by local studio Mur Mur Architects.More Lacaton & Vassal, Frédéric Druot and Christophe Hutin's Transf...
将“mur"翻译成Guadeloupean Creole French masonn是将“mur"翻译成 Guadeloupean Creole French。 译文示例:Une fois, à Kiribati, nous avons logé dans une maison dont le toit était en chaume, le sol en corail compacté, et les murs en bambou. ↔ Onfwa, lè nou té a Kiribati, nou ...
As is mur in Swedish? Come in, learn the word translation mur and add them to your flashcards. Fiszkoteka, your checked French Swedish Dictionary!
As is mur in Chinese? Come in, learn the word translation mur and add them to your flashcards. Fiszkoteka, your checked French Chinese Dictionary!
格兰德戈蒂勒酒庄干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类型:红葡萄酒 酿酒葡萄:慕合怀特歌海娜西拉 产区:法国 France>教皇新堡 Chateauneuf-du-Pape 酒庄:格兰德戈蒂勒酒庄 格兰德戈蒂勒酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 格兰德戈蒂勒酒庄(Chateau de la Grande Gardiole)
法语是一种罗曼语族语言(即分化自通俗拉丁语),属于高卢-罗曼语支。 一种语言的历史一般要分为“外部”和“内部”,前者描述了影响语言的民族、社会、政治、技术和其他变化,后者则关注语言本身经历的语音语法变化。 外部社会政治史 罗马时期(高卢行省)