its literal translation is “rabbit”, although it has nothing to do with the tender furry mammal with long ears … or yes it has.Lapinwas a term used in French schools between the mid-19th century and the early 20th century, especially in male boarding schools, to name the boy who prov...
linkedin_names Adding Linkedin scrap - Names only Jul 31, 2021 machine_names Add machine names Nov 25, 2020 monuments Adding more monument according to gouv list May 7, 2021 music.7z Adding database Dec 16, 2021 news [Bot] News from 2024_12_26 ...
However nobility usually passes down the male line, meaning that Edmund Giscard was not officially considered to be from a noble line and neither, therefore, was Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. How many French noble families are there? The ANF has said it has registered just under...
He is also one of the 72 people whose names are inscribed on the Eiffel Tower; of those 72 scientists and engineers, Chevreul was one of only two who were still alive when Gustave Eiffel planted the French Tricolor on the top of the tower on 31 March 1889 (the other being Hippolyte...
Museum. French-Canadian Music In an apparently calculated move, De Gaulle encouraged Quebec separatism and created a furor by repeating the slogan of French separatists: Vive le Qubec libre! (Long live free Quebec!) De Gaulle was rebuked by the Canadian government, but his visit contributed to...
But you don’t normally use it when discussing dogs (unless you are a dog breeder) it does sound unpleasant to some even if “officially” it is not a bad word, and it is used by female speakers as an insult too, with a specific reference to supposedly indiscriminate male sexuality. ...
(Squire 2011, p. 68). From the 15th century onward, the female nude as an object of esthetic and intellectual value has progressively replaced the male nude associated with God’s perfection. A revival of the Ancient World during the Renaissance contributed to the formation of this new art ...