Baccalauréat (French secondary school diploma with honoursClaire BretagneLycée SaintPaul, Vannes, France
On the Qingpu campus, this week was an opportunity for teachers to facilitate classes and create educational content around Halloween. On Thursday,the secondary school life organized a contest of costumes and drawings, each more terrifying (sometimes funny) than the next. ...
Baccalauréat with Honors (French High School Diploma)Prescilla CONNAN
As I am myself a product of the French Lycee (high school) system and more specifically the Scientific BAC, I was hoping to answer questions I always had regarding the test as well as provide insights to future BAC takers. Before delving deeper, it is important to highlight the fact that...
SUSANNEPREHL308Aga-Mosque or the Greek Orthodox Church of Hagia Panalya can befound there. International hospitals like the German Hospital or schoolssuch as the Galatasaray Lycee or St. Plucherie still characterize the repu-tation of the district (Türkiye Sinai Kalkınma Bankası 1990).Since...
LILA is a top-rated private international school in Los Angeles serving preschool through 12th grade with a focus on bilingual curriculum, diverse community and international celebration. Financial assistance available.
Joshi, Vasundhara
France has a weighty problem with the Lycee Jacques Coeur. It is a public school, and public schools, French officials say, are making students soft.Not due to lax academic standards, mind you. No, the problem with the Lycee Jacques Coeur lies in its stained-glass student lounge, where a...
piano teachers and make-up artists are promoting themselves as French or Francophone in a bid to earn business from wealthy expats who are flocking to the capital.This week London company Pimlico Plumbers advertised for Frenchspeaking recruits on salaries of up to PS150,000 a year, after staff...
French High School DiplomaPierre DesrentesLycée Saint Louis