In the case of morphological gender-marking, it is much more common for the feminine to be formed by the addition of a feminine suffix (e.g., maitresse‘mistress’ < maitre‘master’) than for the reverse to occur (e.g., compagnon‘comrade [masc.]’ < compagne‘companion [fem.]’);...
Masc, Before Vowel Fem. Plural ce lit cet oiseau cette pomme ces gants this/that bed this/that bird this/that apple these/those gloves If you need to distinguish between this or that and these or those, you can add -ci to the end of the noun for this and these, and -là to the...
We see this in the case of the masculine suffix –teur and the feminine suffix –teuse: (4) chanteuse 'singer [fem]' chanteur 'singer [masc]' In the case of morphological gender-marking, it is much more common for the feminine to be formed by the addition of a feminine suffix (e....