词语French braid(在英式英语里叫做French plait)在19世纪70年代就已经出现了,但是根据考古文物的发现,这种从头部两侧逐渐编到一起的编发风格,已经有了几千年的历史了。它开始与法国联系在一起,可能只是因为它被认为非常时尚,而法国就相当于时髦。在法语中,他们也叫这种特别的编发风格为French braid或者tresse franç...
"Delicious crispy on the outside, soft on the inside fries, that you will love and make often. You can cut them in the dimensions in the recipe or make thicker "steak fries" and just cook them longer when frying the second time, until they are golden brown."...
8. Heat the oil (important note: flame shouldn’t be too high or too low, it should be bit lower than normal) 9. Add the fries in the oil (make sure you do not put all potatoes at once. Fry them in small quantity that will give you the best result) 10. As the color of pota...
Appears in Cook's Illustrated July/August 2009, America's Test Kitchen TV Season 10: Best Burgers and Fries Classic crisp French fries with half the oil and no double-frying? We burned through 50-odd pounds of potatoes to land on an uncommonly easy approach. ...
🌴12节课搞定48个国际音标,0元学>> 7月14日是法国的巴士底日,为了庆祝这个法国节日,让我们一起来盘点一下这些我们在英文中喊作“French”的东西,是不是真的有“法国血统”。 1. FRENCH FRIES The phrase French fries evolved in North America at the end of the 19th century out of the longer “Frenc...
将切好的土豆条用清水清洗几遍,冲掉表面的淀粉,用盐水腌制约40分钟,控干水分保存好 ★盐别放太多,不然嗷嗷咸 ★腌制时间不要太长 倒入适量淀粉,用手抓匀(洗手!洗手!洗手!)★如果水分没控好,那就会是这样:加入淀粉后盘底是黏糊糊的淀粉汤,下过后全粘在一起 ...
🌴12节课搞定48个国际音标,0元学>> 7月14日是法国的巴士底日,为了庆祝这个法国节日,让我们一起来盘点一下这些我们在英文中喊作“French”的东西,是不是真的有“法国血统”。 1. FRENCH FRIES The phrase French fries evolved in North America at the end of the 19th century out of the longer “Frenc...
【法式薯条(French fries) 二十分钟搞定正宗法式薯条】01.土豆削皮洗净,切成小拇指粗细的土豆条,11.公公用了切薯条的工具,非常方便。,21.准备一口深锅,倒油,七分热时放入薯条,中小火。如果想省油的,可以用小锅分批炸。,31.十分钟左右以后薯条开始上色,等到金黄便可以
7月14日是法国的巴士底日,为了庆祝这个法国节日,让我们一起来盘点一下这些我们在英文中喊作“French”的东西,是不是真的有“法国血统”。 1. FRENCH FRIES The phrase French fries evolved in North America at the end of the 19th century out of the longer “French fried potatoes.” The dish is sai...