In French they are simply pommes frites, fried potatoes. 词组French fries19世纪末在北美逐渐演变成 “French fried potatoes(法式炸土豆)”。据说这道菜相比于法式料理,更接近比利时菜,但它却是Thomas Jefferson从法国带回这道菜谱,把它引进到美国的。在法国,它们只是简单地炸薯条和油炸土豆。 2. FRENCH ...
词组French fries19世纪末在北美逐渐演变成 “French fried potatoes(法式炸土豆)”。据说这道菜相比于法式料理,更接近比利时菜,但它却是Thomas Jefferson从法国带回这道菜谱,把它引进到美国的。在法国,它们只是简单地炸薯条和油炸土豆。 2. FRENCH MANICURE The French manicure, a pinkish, nude nail with a ...
词组French fries19世纪末在北美逐渐演变成“French fried potatoes(法式炸土豆)”。据说这道菜相比于法式料理,更接近比利时菜,但它却是Thomas Jefferson从法国带回这道菜谱,把它引进到美国的。在法国,它们只是简单地炸薯条和油炸土豆。 2. FRENCH MANICURE ...
7月14日是法国的巴士底日,为了庆祝这个法国节日,让我们一起来盘点一下这些我们在英文中喊作“French”的东西,是不是真的有“法国血统”。 1. FRENCH FRIES The phrase French fries evolved in North America at the end of the 19th century out of the longer “French fried potatoes.” The dish is said...
An Iraq currency game plan: either adopt the classic British currency board model or simply "dollarize" Iraq. (The World) The French are not the only nation that speaks French, but they have been the only one in Europe to use the French franc. Europe's national currencies: Jonathan Willia...
A popular English dish called ‘fish and chips’ is served... wrapped in a paper! I'm going to order a cheeseburger and chips. English word "fries French fries"(chips) occurs in sets: Amrican british
举个简单的例子:学习“薯条”一词,最先记住的可能是“France fries”,但其实,“French fries”或者“fries”是美式英语称呼“薯条”的方法,在英国,薯条都被称为“chips”。想想也是,英法自古就相互看对方不顺眼,怎么会把天天要吃的薯条,叫做“France fries(...
french fries French fritter french fry French Guiana French Guianese French Guinea French harp French heel French honeysuckle French horn French India French Indochina French kiss French knickers French knot French lavender French leave French lesson ...
Used for thin slices of foodstuffs (originally fruit) since 1769; specific reference to potatoes (what Americans would callFrench fries) is found by 1859 (in "A Tale of Two Cities"). Thefish-and-chipscombination was being offered in London by 1860.Potato-chipis attested by 1854, but the ...
【炸薯条 French Fries】炸薯条(北美英语)、薯片(英式英语和其他国家品种)或简称为炸薯条,是原产于比利时的炸薯条或薯片。制作方法是将土豆切成均匀的条状,然后晾干,再油炸,通常用油炸锅。预切、焯水和...