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1.B 根据下文"When we asked the kids for advice"可知,此处表示作者 的最后一个孩子在上中学。child孩子。故选B。 2.C 根据下文"while I still had the opportunity"可知,此处表示作者想 在有机会的时候实现一些东西。achieve实现。故选C。 3.D 此处表示如果那是你想要(实现的事情)。want想要。故选D。
This course is designed for complete beginners of French, and no prior knowledge is necessary. After completing this course, you can continue your French journey and move on to Elementary 2! Required textbook: Mon Alter Ego 1 Recommended book: Grammaire Progressive - Debutant complet (+ Answer ...
Could you tell us what is the best books for learning French if you never mind? I bought a book “teach yourself” series once before. I think should learn with audio when it comes to a new language that is not used to hear yet. I mean, the most effective porocess of learning a ...
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Largest selection of books written in French in the US. Free shipping and Expedited shipping options available. French books for adults and children imported directly from France.