christ crucifix Jésus-Christ [ʒezykʀi] N m Jésus-Christ Jesus Christ Your search term in other parts of the dictionary en l'an 200 avant Jésus-Christ in (the year) 200 BC Translations for christ in the English»French Dictionary (Go to French»English) Show summary of all...
M. Aulard regards Robespierre as having been hostile to the dechristianization for religious and political motives; he explains that Robespierre shared the admiration for Christ felt by Rousseau’s Vicar Savoyard, and that he feared the evil effect on the powers of Europe of the Convention’s ...
Paying for It (1976) John Holmes John The Jade Pussycat (1977) Mike Ranger Mike The Disco Dolls in Hot Skin (1978) Johnnie Keyes George (as Johnny Keyes) SexWorld (1978) Paul Thomas The Master (as Phil Thomas) Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Mike Horner White Airline Pilot ...
And what can one say of Penelope “who had discovered that morning at prayers thatj’ai sucridid not mean ‘I have sugared,’ but was French for Jesus Christ”? With all the precocity of youth, one is informed that ballet and ballade share a root. Amidst the current British crises, can...
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Between 1880 and 1914, tens of thousands of men and women left France for distant religious missions, driven by the desire to spread the word of Jesus Christ, combat Satan, and convert the world's pagans to Catholicism. But they were not the only ones with eyes fixed on foreign shores. ...
She is popularly known as "The Little Flower of Jesus", or simply "The Little Flower". Thérèse has been a highly influential model of sanctity for Catholics and for others because of the simplicity and practicality of her approach to the spiritual life. Together with Saint Francis ...
the heart of Jesus Christ for de Sales, as mediator between God and humankindde Sales, democratizing medieval mystical trope of “exchange of heartsspirit of the Visitation, practice of the living Jesus, that de Sales envisionedMarguerite-Marie's experiences, in medieval women's visionary mysticism...
(2)Jésus-Christ:西-Jesucristo;英-Jesus Christ;德-Jesus Christus(3)pêcheur:西-pescador(4)île:西-isla;英-island;德-Insel(5)perspective:西-perspectiva;英-perspective;德-Perspektive(6)quai:英-quay;德-Kai(7)curieux:西-curioso;英-curious;德-kurios(8)cathédrale:西-catedral;英-cathedral;德...
Holy Christ.|我的老天 Nice work.|干得漂亮 Jesus.| 天 1 00%f the people in the vehicle?|人都到齐了? It's a good night.|今晚真精彩 That's a good night.|那可不是 真是个很奇怪的情况 大半夜,凌晨的时候…一群蒙面人 Me?| 我?