ENTER THE FRENCH VERB OF YOUR CHOICE TO OBTAIN THE CONJUGATION : MOST POPULAR VERBS :alleravoiracheterattendreboirebattrebalayerconnaitrecourircomprendrechoisirdevoirdormirdiredeveniretreecrireetudierfairefinir falloirfuirgrandirgrossirgagnerguerirhabiterhabillerinviterjouerjeterjoindrejouirlireleverlaverlaissermettremange...
French verbs are one of the most difficult parts of French grammar. When studying French verbs, it is important to pay attention to their conjugation, especially when it comes to irregular verbs and verbs of the third group. How to memorize the forms of French verbs in different faces, ...
The French verbsavoir("to have"),être("to be") andfaire("to do or make") are the three most used and, thus, most important verbs in the French language. They are used in some of the ways that we do in English as well as in many idiomatic expressions. Conjugations for all three ...
Conjugate French verbs in every tense including participle, future, imperfect, past and present with our French conjugation tool.
The most effective way to learn french is by learning french conjugation, every complete sentence in french has one or more verbs, and most of the time, they ar…
Conditional: click here tolearn the conjugation patterns of the French conditional tense.(e.g. I would walk). Subjunctive: click here tolearn to conjugate the French subjunctive tense. (e.g. I may walk). Regular Verbs - Compound Tenses - the endings for each conjugation ...
conjugating other -ir verbs. One thing to note is that in English, there are two commonly used present tenses: ''I sleep'' and ''I am sleeping.'' French has only one tense that fills both of these niches. Speakers differentiate between the two based on context. The conjugation is as ...
Conjugations of the French Verb Maintenir Maintenir is an irregular -ir verb. This means that it does not follow one of the more common verb conjugation patterns. However, all French verbs that end in -venir and -tenir are conjugated the same way. It may be a good idea to study a ...
La conjugaison par L'OBS will help you to correctly conjugate more than 9,000 French verbs. To quickly find a verb, whatever its voice (active voice, passive vo…
www.200words-a-day.comVERB CONJUGATION TABLEfaire Simple Tensesfaire TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils Present Présent do / does / makefaisfaisfaitfaisonsfaitesfont Past Imperfect Imparfait did / madefaisaisfaisaisfaisaitfaisionsfaisiezfaisaient ...