Herein then lies the conundrum. French Rugby League and the International game as a whole has the potential to benefit from French teams in Super League but the prospect of relegation, or desire to win now, harms the very possibility of those benefits occurring. So, what is the solution? Th...
The four British national teams decided after this incident to ban France from the Five Nations. Coupled with the effect of the economical crisis, the number of club affiliated to the FFR dropped, from 784 in 1930 to 558 in 1939. This crisis also quick-started rugby league in France, which...
RUGBY PRINTS - For a great selection of prints, antique & modern including autographed limited edition prints please visit this page. CLICK HERE POSTCARDS - VINTAGE. Old postcards, French teams along with French club team postcards and individual player postcards. To visit this page CLICK HERE ...
From that point, we can witness the birth of the first French military rugby and football teams, as they demonstrate, through their good performances during the demobilisation period, the progressive build-up of the international dimension of French sport during the war years....
French Forgies rugby is a rugby club from France that participates in Masaku 7s in Machakos county.CommentsRecent Blog Post WILLY AMBAKA TO HANG HIS BOOT THIS WEEKEND Fri, 27th Jan 2023 | Shujaa Pride KENYA TO HOST WORLD U20 TROPHY IN JULY Fri, 27th Jan 2023 | Shujaa Pride WE WILL...
Just this summer gone the Club has taken over the MJC school of rugby; now under the Carcassonne X111 umbrella. They are at the same time developing their village feeder clubs Villegailhenc (Elite 2 and coached by Vinny Anderson) as well as Villeneuve Minervois (Federal level). In the ...
French Ligue 1 football club Nîmes Olympique announced recently that the club has purchased the Stade des Costières complex in a €230-million deal with an aim to building a new stadium on the site, reported. After booking a surprise ninth-placed finish Ligue 1 Conforama in the...
This currently has to be the best crop of youngsters in France coming through in SL, Championship and the French competition for a long time. This looks very exciting for France Rugby League. Even Trent Robinson has said that France has a good number of
The Inter-Chamber Rugby World Cup Networking Event held on Friday 8th September brought together professionals and rugby enthusiasts from various... Event report 14 September 2023 Past Event| Sustainability in Web3 In the ever-evolving digital era, the intersection of ESG principles, innovation...
I have also added up all the budgets to see if the French teams could together pay the salary of Josh Childress; in fact they could, as their combined salaries would be about €21 million.