How long do you cook on medium(中等的) heat on each side o f the bread? 2Recipe(食谱)for French toastThis recipe feeds four peopleWhat is the recipe for?How many people can this recipe feed? Where should you put eggs and milk according the recipe? In which step do you have to ...
英语词汇积累——不同面包有关的英语表达。切片面包可不是toast,法棍也不等于French Bread哦❓当孩子想吃面包,问到怎么用英语表达时,爸爸妈妈能准确地告诉他们吗?是不是也想趁机教孩子一些简单的英语呢?今天整理了25种最常见的面包 - 萌娃英语余妈说于20240831发布
French toast is a breakfast favorite, and in this post, I’m briefly sharing the best bread for French toast and what makes these options the optimal choice. Nearly every week, I make a batch of French toast for my oldest son as a quick breakfast. At this point, I could probably make...
简单搜索下了french toast的做法,就是那土司去煎。这倒类似于蛋炒饭,用剩饭来炒也非必须的。分割线...
Related to French bread:French toast,garlic bread French bread n. Bread made with water, flour, and yeast and baked in long crusty loaves. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Hough...
Best Bread for French Toast French toast comes out best if you work withthick slices of French or Italian loaf bread that are several days old.That way they've had a chance to firm up, which will make the slices hold up better when you dip them in the egg milk mixture and fry them...
So all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning.───你能不能前一天晚上搅好鸡蛋、牛奶、香草和肉桂?这样你第二天早晨只要将面包蘸进去就可以做法国吐司了。 He made himself an enormous breakfast of poached eggs, French toast , hash browns and carrot soup.───...
French toast 听听怎么读 英[frentʃ təust] 美[frɛntʃ tost] 是什么意思 n. 法国土司(面包); 英英释义 French toast n.bread slice dipped in egg and milk and fried; topped with sugar or fruit or syrup 学习怎么用 权威例句 French Toast...