试题来源: 解析 正确答案:A 解析:解答本题的较快的方法是根据提示词“the French and lndian War”在第三段找到有关信息。简要地说就是战争持续18年(1745—1763),印第安人取得了很大的胜利。英国人表面上承诺,他们的扩张不会超过一定的范围。由此可见,B、C、D三项均不符合文意。
早年在法国印第安人战争(French and Indian War)中曾担任支持大英帝国一方的殖民军军官。之后在美国独立战争中率领大 … www.zwbk.org|基于313个网页 2. 法国印地安人战争 在华盛顿22岁的时候,华盛顿无意间成为了法国印地安人战争(French and Indian War)的导火线之一。这场殖民地所参加的 … ...
The French and Indian War, a colonial extension of the Seven Years War thatravagedEurope from 1756 to 1763, was the bloodiest American war in the 18th century. It took more lives than the American Revolution, involved people on three continents, including the Caribbean. The war was the produc...
French and Indian War n. A war (1756-1763) fought by Britain against the French and their Native American allies, part of the conflict known in Europe as the Seven Years' War. Britain, emerging victorious, took possession of the French territories in Canada and became the dominant colonial ...
french and indian war phr. 【历史】法国印第安人战争(指 1754~1760年间,在北美大陆进行的法英战争,以法国失败而告终,英国获得法属北美殖民地)英英释义 a war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by American Indian tribes); 1755-1760 ...
The French and Indian War involved France, Britain, and numerous Amerindian nations in a struggle for control of northeastern North America that ended in a decisive British victory. Significant in itself, the French and Indian War was the North American component of the Seven Years' War (1756–...
andIndianWarandIndianWar)) 17541754--17631763年间,法、英两国为争夺北美洲殖民地统年间,法、英两国为争夺北美洲殖民地统 治权而进行的战争之一。治权而进行的战争之一。 17631763年,北美历史的一个分水岭。英、法、西班牙之年,北美历史的一个分水岭。英、法、西班牙之 ...
The French and Indian War was part of wider struggle between GreatBritain and France known in Europe as the Seven Years’ War. The Seven Years War (1756–63) was the first global war, fought in Europe, India, and America, and at sea. It pitted the alliance of Britain, Prussia and Han...
法国-印第安人战争(英语:French and Indian War),或魁北克所称的征服战争(法语:La guerre de la Conquête),是1754年至1763年间英国和法国在北美的一场战争。法印战争(theFrench and Indian war)是在北美殖民地的说法,而我们这些英语的初学者则叫之七年战争。是法国和印第安人联合起来抗争英属殖民地的战争。