Adjectives (46 cards) 2024-08-29 12 Expressions of Time in French (30 cards) 2024-12-05 12 Music terms (38 cards) 2019-03-04 12 Vocabulary on Employment French 4 (70 cards) 2024-08-14 12 !! verbs, colours, pronouns !! (42 cards) 2019-12-05 11 À la Maison (12 card...
french hamework 學生們也學習了 Spanish speaking test 82個詞語 Mia_Donoghue5 預覽 أجا1 5個詞語 one910 預覽 Oral Questions 15個詞語 amy11474 預覽 French Exam Practice 12個詞語 sallyalbaroudi045 預覽 GCSE speaking questions Module 3 老師10個詞語 Sajbarre1 預覽 Adjectives of character 14個...
Il fait chaud. Click the card to flip it 👆 1 / 12 Created by alisonjphillipsTeacher Students also studied French subjects Teacher24 terms Vocabulary List: C Words and Their Meanings 17 terms IRP Discussion Translation 19 terms L’augmentation de la restauration rapide ...
Let yourself become fluent in French Take the next step in your journey with French language Intensify your learning thanks to the list of the most popular French words Improve your accent with our recordings Our Spaced Repetition System won’t let you forget what you’ve already learned ...