2 | HSN Codes 3 | HS Codes 4 | GST 5 | Telex Releases 6 | IGM and Bill of Entry FAQ Should I use a freight forwarder if I know very little about logistics? How do I choose a freight forwarder? Should I use a freight forwarder if I know very little about logistics?
Let me explain the importance of chargeable weight in simple terms. If a shipper exports cotton, the actual weight of cotton is very low but occupies a good amount of space as a volume. In this case, if airfreight is charges on the basis of actual weight of cargo, the said shipper ne...
SAC Code is a classification system for services developed by the Service Tax Department of India. Let's check SAC codes for various transportation services under GST
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How to claim GST Refund on exports? Demurrage Charges - What is Demurrage For Shipowner & Importer What is the difference between BAF and CAF? What does CAF mean in Shipping? What does BAF mean in Shipping? Megha Shah Associate Director, Global Business Development at Drip Capital ...