弗赖堡的德文是Freiburg,对应英文是Free Burg或Free borough,也就是自由镇的意思。所以德国瑞士一带有很多叫Freiburg的地方,为了更准确,通常都会加上个后缀,比如德国的这个弗赖堡,德文全名叫Freiburg im Breisgau,意思是布赖斯高(地区)的弗赖堡,中文通常简称弗赖堡或弗莱堡,因为名气较大,所以一般提到弗赖堡通常就是指这里。...
1.(Placename) a city in SW Germany, in SW Baden-Württemberg: under Austrian rule (1368–1805); university (1457). Pop: 212 495 (2003 est). Official name:Freiburg im Breisgau 2.(Placename) the German name forFribourg Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 20...
弗莱堡,位于德国西南边陲,靠近法国和瑞士的弗莱堡(Freiburg im Breisgau)是德国巴登-符腾堡州的直辖市,弗莱堡大行政区的首府,位于黑森林南部的最西端,人口约20万。很多人认为弗莱堡是德国最温暖,阳光最灿烂的城市。也是德国最 - 吴建钢(旅行爱好者)于20240124发布
弗莱堡(Freiburg im Breisgau) 弗莱堡,位于德国西南边陲,靠近法国和瑞士,是德国巴登-符腾堡州的直辖市,弗莱堡大行政区的首府,位于黑森林南部的最西端,人口约20万。很多人认为弗莱堡是德国最温暖,阳光最灿烂的城市。拥有林地5138公顷,林地面积占市辖区总面积的43%,属德国拥有最多林地的城市之一。也是德国最古老也是最...
variants or Freiburg im Breisgau im-ˈbrīs-ˌgau̇ city in southwestern Germany at the western foot of the Black Forest population 210,000 Dictionary Entries Near Freiburg freibergite Freiburg freieslebenite See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Freiburg.” Merriam-Webster....
freiburg im breisgau Edit image church Edit image church heart jesus Edit image city model miniature Edit image bridge outlook freiburg Edit image freiburg panorama Edit image building architecture Edit image pedestrian bridge Edit image freiburg schauinsland Edit image freiburg city germany Edit image ...
Freiburg im Breisgau 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 Erziehungsfaktor,Erziehungsfrage,Erziehungsgeld,Erziehungsheim,Erziehungshilfe,Erziehungsinstitut,Erziehungskonzept,Erziehungsmethode,Erziehungsminister,Erziehungsministerium, 相似单词 "拜罗"圆珠笔,"并戈"赌博游戏,"互裨"姑娘,...
Freiburg im Breisgau, city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. It is picturesquely situated on the western slopes of the Black Forest, where the Dreisam River flows into the Rhine valley. It was founded and chartered in 1120 by the du
Freiburg im Breisgau krefeld Mainz Krefeld Kassel 德国邮编简介 德国的邮政编码由5个数字组成,其中前两个数字代表省份或州别,后三个数字代表城市地区。例如:德国Dresden下有01067,01069等邮编。 在德国,邮政编码通常被称为“die Postleitzahl”,更常见的形态是其缩写“PLZ”。这个词可以拆分为三部分来看:die Post(...
Freiburg im Breisgau is a major city in a secluded wine-rich corner of Baden-Württemberg in southwest Germany, on the edge of the Black Forest. Picturesquely located on the river Dreisam, in between green mountainsides, it enjoys one of the sunniest and warmest climates among German cities...