It’s because the credit bureaus are allowed to share some of your information with potential lenders, even if you haven’t specifically authorized it. When you freeze your credit, you prevent them from sharing that information, which should stop the credit card offers. (You can also choose t...
The process to this is different between the credit bureaus, so follow the steps found on their websites. Why should I not want to freeze my credit report? Ice cold credit may be a big headache if you’re the type of person, like me, who uses your credit very often. It may also...
Whatever the reason, know that freezing your child’s credit is going to involve a little bit of work. You need to get copies made of several pieces of sensitive information and then physically mail them to each of the credit bureaus. To me that sounds a little archaic andlesssecure, but...
Additionally, you only need to contact one of the credit bureaus to initiate a fraud alert, which in turn is legally obligated to share your notice with the other two. It also is free. However, it generally does not provide the same level of protection as a freeze. Ulzheimer said lawmak...