What is the freezing point of an aqueous solution of NaCl that boils at 102.5 degree C? What would be the freezing point for a 0.35 m solution of sodium bromide in water? (van't Hoff factor = 1.75) What is the freezing point of an aque...
Aliquots of the suspension (20 μL) were immediately collected or after 60 and 180 min of post-incubation, mixed with (80 μL) 0.75% low melting point agarose and cast onto microscope slides pre coated with 1.5% normal agarose. After 24 h at 4 °C, the slides were removed...
The intersection point of the fitting functions is determined as the critical absorption relative humidity (CARH) of each material, and lower CARH means better moisture capture ability. Moisture absorption curves (F) and equilibrium moisture absorption (G) under 90% RH. Thirty replicates for each...
Researchers have reported that the freezing point of the liquid phase in conductive hydrogels can be successfully reduced with the incorporation of organic solvents with a freezing point lower than that of water. As shown in Table 2, this innovative approach has facilitated the development of double...